Oct 22, 2007 12:18
Life has been kind of boring lately. I'm enjoying WOW for the most part but we all seem to have our own agendas in the game (not to mention schedules/timezones) and so we rarely get together except on weekends.
Though I love my character in it, I wish I felt more competent playing her. I mean I do fine and rarely ever die. Almost never actually. There just seem to be few avenues for choice in playing the character in a combat role. The mould is very tight and impossible to break. I just wish the pet(s) were more reliable in holding the aggression of a well matched enemy. Solo I can rarely play my only strength (arrows) and find myself feeling wussy and unpowerful in melee. Tracking is the best, most useful ability I have. It's the one ability that supports the group the most. At least that's the way I feel when I'm playing. without healing, spells or competent melee skills I feel kind of the expendable one trick pony in a group.
Actually aspect of the pack is useful for now too.
Tabletop gaming is still in the morgue awaiting final burial or reanimation. Tonight Pat and I will probably continue working on Elysia. The mythical game that never seems to be completed. We're still laying the foundation for summoners.
I really have to get organized and schedule my life in a more efficient way so I can take on more tasks. I've been letting things go a lot. Mostly because they're annoying, unpleasant or offer no real reward for the effort.
Though I love Halloween (my fav. celebration of the year) I'm not really feeling the spirit this year.
I sometimes feel I need to get out more but where, with who and why?
Anyway I'm just a little down because I'm tired and it's Monday.
Plus I'm at work.
I'll be fine and happy when I get home where I can relax and feel good again.