Okay, so because of far-reaching and ridiculous in-fighting in the fandom a while ago and the utterly consuming obsession that is the new STXI fandom and the fact that Tokyopop are whores who take way too long to license and print her shit in English, I've been feeling a bit bleh about the Saiyuki fandom.
But oh, OH, I want
this for my birthday. SO. HARD. styjsjkdfgh I already have way too many expenses from now until Christmas (what speeding ticket?? lol), but hell, I might just go stalk the local Kinokuniya bookstore and hope they have it so I can buy it for myself.
Waaaaaaant. *o*
eyesofshinigami , only the best friend EVER, has fulfilled my birthday wishes, and ridiculously quickly, too! ♥ Man, I think I'm genuinely getting all super jazzed over Saiyuki once more... >:3