Just a quick, semi-random update for those who might be interested, and because it's been far too long since we've "been on" LJ for anything other than stalking the Star Trek kink meme.
★ Well, it's that time of year again--that's right, Yaoi-Con. :D I've gone and pulled out all the huge plastic tubs of cosplay stuff and have started forcing Xpyne to go through it with me to decide what needs to be touched up, finished up, or possibly scrapped and re-done. I think we've decided to go with the regular Sanzo and Monkey King costumes for Saturday (with a possible costume surprise for later in the evening, seeing as that day will be Halloween ,':3), and a new, hopefully low-key one for us on Sunday, young Kouryuu and black-robes Ukoku. Naturally, this means I will be showing quite a bit of leg... LOL. While I'd love to do a dark robed 'The wandering years' young Sanzo, I'm not sure if I'd have enough time to put it together...because kimono are a bitch to sew just because there's so much fabric, and that would mean getting Xpyne to make that
awesome Buddhist staff of his (which I do know she's kinda been dying to try her hand at, heh). Hmm, we'll see how ambitious I'm feeling this year.
★ I am chugging along on my re-write of that AU Saiyuki vampire fic. I'm a bit stuck right now on what's supposed to be a pretty intense fight scene, but I'm having a bit of trouble deciding how I want to approach the fight, especially considering that I'm writing the scene from Goku's pov. Because I don't really want him killing everyone before Sanzo shows up and even gets to do anything, but I don't know that he'd really be getting his ass handed to him, because, you know, we're generally given to understand in canon that Goku LOVES a good fight. : /
★ I'm also determined to pick back up on the Myers-Brigg personality analysis posts I was doing for the Saiyuki boys. Fortunately for my resolve, I'd gotten further with Sanzo's than I'd realized, lol, so that may not be long in coming. And I really like the new format I downloaded for our journal, but I'm going to have to change it back, I think, because I've discovered the visible frames thing does NOT work with the painstaking formating I have to do as part of one of these posts. As an added bonus, however, in going through the whole series of volumes for my supporting evidence in pictoral form I'll hopefully remind myself all over again how awesome the series is and GET BACK INTO INSPIRED WRITING MODE, RAWR!
★ On a real life note, I'll be turning 25 in two days, yikes, I'm old. D: S'okay, though, guys, I've already had my quarter-life crisis (in the middle of Ikea, aptly enough) and came out the other end optimistically, thanks to my bffs giving me a tangilbe deadline for when I have to move to San Francisco with them. So I am focused once more, yes. As for a bitthday present, my mom bought me some
adorable khussa shoes that I will wear everywhere, despite them matching nothing. :DD And my hair!
It's so long! At least for me, considering I usually tend to keep a chin-length bob when, you know, not sporting the Sanzo Cut. Which I'll have to have Xpyne give me again closer to the con (after I get my color touched up because, yes, I am intimidated by my own hair dresser, and I know she hates that cut, LOL).
Anyway, we hope you're all doing well, and a very happy (very late) birthday to all those who recently got older! >3< We'll still be lurking around, but I'll try to make sure to post more often then we've been doing... >_>;