You know you're over a crush when you're not Facebook stalking him anymore. Hee.
Also, is anyone here planning to do NaNoEdMo (Editing Month)? It's 50 hours of editing, and I got to 30 last year (that was not making it a priority, and also making myself sick again, so pretty good I thought). I'm going to do it again this year (not pushing myself to do the whole 50 necessarily), but if I could take my two Nano novels and re-read them and edit them down into an actual shape whereby come April I can start writing them again and actually finish them - well, that would be just darn peachy.
Also, I definitely need to do some writing this month and will likely host a couple of writing weekends. Are there any particular weekends you'd prefer? (Those of you who would want to participate, I mean.)
I just came back from a meeting with my writing group (we played karaoke after, so it went late, but it was FUN) and it was quite awesome. There were a lot of new people (and it was only my 3rd meeting; apparently the group had been dying before I came along, and it got going again with my ideas; weird!!) and a few of us read from our writings, and we all got great feedback. I read a poem I wrote today that is actually the first poem in quite a few years that I can actually say I genuinely LIKED after writing it. It has made-up words and everything. (If you're on my poetry filter, I posted it earlier today; but the group said that it really is meant to be heard, like most poetry, but that one especially). So.... I'm going to do a phone post (friends only, so as not to "publish" it) so you guys can hear. :) Not tonight though. It's going to be another night of little sleep for me, but when it's for such a good reason how can I be bitter?
But first I need to listen to my
audio horoscope.