You guys have to read this article from The New York Times:
An Elephant Crackup? "Attacks by elephants on villages, people and other animals are on the rise. Some researchers are pointing to a species-wide trauma and the fraying of the fabric of pachyderm society." It also talks about the similarity between elephant and human therapy. Psychotherapy in elephants has proved so successful, in fact, it heartens me about the ability of the human spirit (and inter-species spirit) to recover from serious emotional trauma.
Can anyone explain to me how works? The idea of saving and organizing links sounds great, but whenever I look at a page of them it just looks like a list of boring, unorganized links. I have an account and have been saving some, but it hasn't quite "clicked" with me yet. I'm
here by the way, if you want to add me.
ETA: This also makes me very happy:
Boys Treat Girls Like People: Thanks to Feminism.