Fic: kurofai: Syntax & Swordfights, Part 3

Jun 15, 2008 17:27

Title: Syntax and Swordfights (Yama drabbles Part 3/6)
Author: soleil_et_pluie
Rating: G
Pairing: kurofai
Length: 857
Disclaimer: don't own, tralala~
Summary: "Fighting together changes people." Bounty hunting for the win?!?!
Author’s Notes: ENJOI. Concrit is my favourite XO!

“Lord Yasha.” Kurogane does not salute, but rather grins. Yasha is a great man, this is obvious. He deserves respect. But they absolutely cannot give the impression, being foreign, exceptionally strange and new, that they can be ordered about.

“I hear you two… are quite skilled on the battlefield. We have reports of some strange acrobatics. An impressive kill record.” They don’t mention that every kill is Fai’s.

“Your friend the archer is very skilled. What’s his name?”

“He’s called Fai.” Kurogane feels something knot in his stomach, but Yasha plows on.

“And you are in the 11th field barracks?”


“I would like to offer you a place in the palace.” But it’s not an offer at all. Kurogane knows an order when he hears one.

“What? Why?”

“I can’t have soldiers that skilled so far from me, now can I? And… we shall see what more there is to discover from you two.”
His smile is far too knowing. Kurogane glances at Fai, wondering if the idiot is as uncomfortable as he is. Fai’s face is carefully schooled to neutral. He doesn’t know enough of the language yet to really follow the conversation, but there is a slight frown there.


Their room overlooks the jungle spreading before them, wide open, supported by columns of black marble. There is one bed. Fai sits on it and smiles sardonically.
Kurogane is exhausted. He pads to one side and starts peeling off battle clothing, wishing only to sleep. Not to examine the motives of the lord of the army, or wonder what fresh horrors either this land or Fai will cook up for him tomorrow.
He starts, however, when there’s a gentle hand on his shoulder. Fai reaches from behind and slips the waist-material off. It pools on the floor. Dammit! His body prickles enthusiastically at Fai’s soft touch, which Kurogane is now hyper-aware of. He’s supposed to be tired. He is tired. There’s no way around that one.
Fai helps him out of the clothing, then backs to the other side of the bed and begins taking off his own armor, showing no signs of anything sexual. Kurogane stares suspiciously at Fai’s naked back, before he watches it climb into bed.
“Goodnight,” Fai lilts softly. Kurogane spends the night frustrated by persistent dreams.


They leave at first light, having barely examined their new quarters. Kurogane leads the way to the stables and they take two of the demon-steeds. The ride to the village where the bandits have last been seen is at least half a day.
Kurogane watches meticulously as Fai loads basic survival equipment and sheath after sheath of arrows, buckling them firmly to the creature. Then they raid the weapon supplies, whose cowering owner gives Kurogane some daggers, and then offers Fai a wakizashi, short and light. Fai flicks it through the air then glances at Kurogane. It’s acceptable.
The journey turns out to take all day. They get lost once, during which time Fai doesn’t bother to hide his irritation. The rest of the time the land seems to be fighting them.
Kurogane glances up. The sky has started to bleed colors other than blue, spreading pink and black across its width and breath.
Finally the steeds crest the hill, and the first houses of the little village are before them. Fai immediately kicks his horse down the hill. Kurogane urges his after them. Fai has already dismounted and walked into the first hut, however.
“What are you doing? Oi!” Fai doesn’t answer, but strides swiftly out and enters the next tiny house. Kurogane follows him, as Fai’s bright eyes sweep the place and it becomes evident what is wrong.

The hut is deserted, supper spilled across the table in mid-meal, chairs knocked over. Fai turns to him.

“Other houses, next… may not be.. this?” He gestures around the deserted house. Kurogane nods.
They mount again, slowly riding amongst the hut houses, scanning the seemingly-empty village, but the sun is falling rather quickly. It is very dark, and they have not completed one round of the village.

“We should signal, at least.”

Fai nods shortly.

The firework arches across the night sky and fizzles. Fai turns ashen.

“Kuro…” He can’t even seem to end the name. This is worrying. Kurogane spins.

“Did not… work.”


“Something’s… wrong. The air…” Fai reaches back, agonizingly slowly, with careful, deliberate caution and shifts his bow to his grip. He notches it making as little noise as possible. His eyes are alight, searching the unknown darkness.

It’s kindof sexy.
What? No!
Is it possible.. it’s getting darker still? Kurogane draws as quietly as he can. Fai has turned his steed to be as close as possible while still giving them both room to fight in the tiny square.

The darkness becomes near-complete. He strains to sense a presence.

Suddenly, Fai spins, pointing his arrow towards the unexplored section of town, and his face has an expression on it Kurogane rather wishes he’d never seen. The arrow flies into darkness. And that is the last thing he sees before something knocks into the side of his head, hard.

Oooh, a real live cliffhanger! XD *cowers in fear* Did you all enjoy?

kurofai, fanfic, gigantic yama fic

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