Title: Syntax and Swordfights (Yama drabbles Part 2/6)
Author: soleil_et_pluie
Rating: G
Pairing: kurofai
Length: 488
Disclaimer: don't own. there would be a lot more sex if I did.
Summary: "Fighting together changes people." Some battle wounds ensue. Please don't choke on the fluff on your way out. =3=
Author’s Notes: I'm sorry this one is "short." The next one can be up by tomorrow, it's basically ready. :3
They learn never to forget how dangerous Ashura is. Periodically the King becomes trancelike, and in a whirling fury of flame, everyone near him ends up dead. It doesn’t stop Kurogane from challenging him, though, and on those nights Fai is sure it’s not him who’s insane- it’s like Kurogane can’t help himself. It’s the call of a real fight. Ashura knocks him back every time, routing the surrounding forces, and Kurogane is inevitably wounded in some way.
Fai sits up all through the night listening to the sounds of labored breathing, as next to him, Kurogane tries to stay asleep and actually rest. In a world where the only painkillers are dubious herbs to dull sensory input, there is little to be done, and extensive burns take a lot of energy to heal.
Kurogane absolutely cannot admit when he’s in pain, as Fai discovered to his horror when Kurogane collapsed out of the blue one night at supper. They took him back to their shared tent and discovered a huge gash in his side, leaking blood.
Fai clenched the leftover bandages, his knuckles turning slightly white, his face grim and twisted, remembering the wonderful flare of panic that graced his insides when he turned Kurogane over, seeing that face pale and strained, sweat standing out against his skin, crimson soaked across his shirt. The thought of Kurogane dying produced a sensation akin to a hammer swung into a wet clay jar.
The ninja’s eyes opened to slits and caught the expression of somber worry, and a fair bit of anger, on Fai’s face. Fai met his gaze, even angrier now. He is struck dumb for a response, though, when Kurogane laughed softly at him.
“Now… you know… how we feel…. when you’re stupid,” he finishes in a breath. Fai has no response but to stare wide-eyed.
Kurogane reaches a strong hand and gently covers the one Fai has yet to unclench. It breaks something inside and a tear leaks out. Fai turns his head away and a loud, broken sob escapes him. He smushes his other hand against his face, wiping away the offending tears, but before he can be embarrassed, Kurogane looks at him fatherly and understanding. Fai breathes out the pain, laughing as well.
Kurogane would rather just deal with injuries no matter how they hurt him. Fai would rather avoid his past than confront the awful truths therein. They are both so stubborn and stupid, Fai thinks in his weakest moments, that they would fit together perfectly if only each could let the other inside.
He takes a moment to consider how perfect and handsome Kurogane’s face is, at little more relaxed even in unrestful sleep than his awake scowl. And for some reason is struck with the odd image of those burning red eyes dissolving his masks, literal masks with the curving magic of Celes patterned blue and black over them. He smiles.
lol I have done so much fanart of zashiki warashi/ame warashi, the gay invaded my brain. GAH >_<