
Dec 13, 2010 22:33

So I'm going to buy another pair of shoes for the SCA. I don't mind the ones I got from Revival, but I don't love them. Since I already have black shoes, I wouldn't mind some white ones. I know, I know, white = will get dirty! But I can document them (Elizabeth had many white shoes) and I freakin' love white shoes. All these are nearly the same price.

1. Mary Rose slip-on slashed shoes. I like that they don't have to be tied. Can be any color, pretty much.

2. Latchet shoes, and I'd get them in white.

3. Slashed latchet shoes! I might like these the best, but they only come in these 3 colors. Red wouldn't match much, I hate brown, and I already have black.

Which ones?!?! I can't decide! Like that's a new development for me...


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