the higher you go, the deeper you fall

Jul 27, 2008 01:04

I cannot get enough of FMA, but seriously, I want to punch Wrath in his deranged, whiny, evil, creepy face.

I figured out why I hate him. It's because he turns Izumi, this wonderful, kickass, take-no-prisoners, no-nonsense woman into an IDIOT.


I want to slap her. It set me on edge before Wrath went all homunculus, but I understood it, sorta. He really was just a kid, and she could tell that he was hers. But afterwards? After he goes pyscho? SHE KNOWS HE HAS TO DIE, BUT SHE KEEPS STOPPING ED AND AL FROM FIGHTING HIM!! And like, that puts Al and Ed into some bad situations. It's not helpful to them, at all. She's all like, 'He's my responsibility, only I can deal with him'. But the thing is, she can't, she's too ill, and Al and Ed want answers, so what does she do to the two boys that she took in and trained and cared for?

She keeps hurting them by defending Wrath. It BOTHERS me, because she's acting SO IRRATIONALLY and so IDIOTICLY.

And yes, I know that Wrath is useful in the whole Gollum way in the situation with Sloth, but honestly, Ed dealt with his 'sin' much more maturely than Izumi. And just no.

And Wrath just...bugs me. The creepy fuck.

I love so many of the characters in this show, except for him. And because of how she acts around him, I can't stand Izumi and I mean, I think she's awesome in Ed's flashback sequences. The whole part where Ed and Al go to the island, that segment of the anime? Seems boring. and it shouldn't be, since Greed's storyline is starting and the brothers find Ed's limbs and the darker threads are starting to be pulled more to the forefront, and the war is coming. But it doesn't seem like Ed knows what's going on for the most part, and since it is his show, that bugs me.

And really, I came to the conclusion that those were Ed's limbs like several episodes before it was confirmed. I don't know why it takes anime so long to do revelations. They rehash the same things over and over just to make sure we get it (or that the characters get it) and I'm like, yes, yes, yes I know angst, angst, angst, revelations, blahblah, can we please have more explanations about Ishbal and Scar's arm and the Philosopher's Stone now?

Heavy-handed, I think would be the word.

Like the angst. Very heavy-handed, and sometimes you feel like stuff just isn't moving at the pace it should.

I notice pacing a lot. I directly blame it on someone telling me I had good pacing in a story once, and I was like O_o....really? Because pacing wasn't even a word I'd considered before. Now I notice it in everything. *moans* That isn't a good thing. 'specially when trying to get lost in a good show or movie.

I want impossible crossovers. The ones that don't make sense, but you don't care anyway.

I've...7 now in the works (re: imagination) that involve FMA. None of them make logical sense. None. *grins*

I'm glad to be watching FMA again, because I'd forgotten how much I love Ed. And Al. How could anyone not love Al? He's so sweet and caring and protective and FULL of win. I could wax poetic for pages about why I love Ed so much, so I won't.

*shakes head* The more I think about him, the more I compare him to other characters from other shows and the more crossovers I come up with. In the course of writing this post, I've come up with three more crossovers/fusions. That's just not fair. If I can't keep track of them, they're useless!

Okay, question for you guys. When you think of the seven deadly sins, what, or which one, do you think of first? Could you tell me the first image or word that you associate with each sin? Which one do you think is the worst?

And my pissed off mood from earlier has gone. More or less. I'm over it now, at least.

ideas, fullmetal alchemist, rambles, teal deer

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