When my blog grows up, it'll be just like Curly's

Oct 17, 2007 12:27

If you haven't yet, then you must get off your ass and put these three in your Favorites.

Dorothy Surrenders : snark has never been sexier. The lovely Dorothy is a reputable blogger/columnist on After Ellen and a Tina Fey fangirl extraordinaire. She’s smart, she’s cool and she has fabulous taste in women. What else do you need?

Post No Bills : the blog about New York adventures in banality (as she calls it) is most probably my favorite blog to lurk at. Not just hilarious, but candid, open, and often highly educational as well. Check out her OFAG posts, as well as her posts with “debauchery” tag on them. Awesome!

Ham & Cheese on Wry : now, even the mere fact that the lady blogger is of Scottish descent is enough to spark my interest. And curly? Dude! A curly Scottish girl with a sense of humor? I want me one of those as well. Read her FAQ, it’s a terrific and, I must say, ingenious idea. And then read her post about her father talking on the phone in a heavy Scottish accent. If you don’t piss your pants, there’s something terribly wrong with you.

Also, I came across this a few weeks ago and I squealed like a little girl:

Question: Surely word has reached you that you’ve achieved iconic status among lesbian and bi women. First of all, why does the Detective Benson character resonate, do you suppose, with gay women? And how do you feel about being a lesbian pin-up?

Answer: I think Olivia Benson appeals to a diverse group of women in so many ways because she is physically and morally powerful and emotionally strong but also nurturing - to others and herself. I think it’s great that she can be a role model to young and old, gay and straight, and women of so many different cultural backgrounds. Although I have never thought of myself as a pin-up of any kind, I have no problem with being a lesbian pin-up. I’m flattered.

Good. Now I don’t have to feel guilty every time I feel the urge to lick my screen when Benson shows up wielding a gun and/or throws a perp against the desk to cuff him. Nor do I have to feel guilty for being jealous of that perp.

benson, blog

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