Shout out to my peeps from your favorite tourist destination: The Middle of the the Night (tMotN).
Tomorrow is now today. (cf. Sans Souci aka Columbia Alma Mater song: "Tomorrow's the future still; This is today.") But your llama will be a faithful correspondent, temporal confusion be damned, now and for ay'. (For a complete list of lyrics, check out the
Columbia Marching Band page and keep scrolling down.)
Family law exam is about er... 7 hours. I went to bed at 10pm after deciding there was a certain point of diminishing returns when studying for an open book test. Evidently, my warped circadian clock decided it was a good idea for me to be fully awake at 2am. It will technically be my "last final" even though I still have to turn in a paper.
I did finally figure out what to get Prof G (my research prof) as a thank you gift, what every environmental law prof ought to get from his admiring students: A carbon offset! At least he'd find it funny, though would probably start analyzing its merits as a useful tool in combating anthropogenic climate change.
Also found a local shop in llamaville has a huge selection of various kinds of exotic chocolate from different countries- excellent for profs who have particularly nurtured this llama these last years.
Shout out to
gryffin23 who just had a birthday and is technically one year older (though only one day older than she was yesterday).