A New Year and fridge full of fancy cheese

Jan 01, 2007 22:57

(My parents sent me home with a bag full of food from brunch at their house.)

In this time of new calendars, marking revolutions around the sun and resolutions soon to be discarded, I have been thinking on the strange nomenclature system I use in this blog. Not so useful or logical as the system for naming molecules (just read your shampoo bottle ingredients to see what I mean), but meaningful just the same.

Readers have asked: Are you a llama? or are you Borg? Well, it's like that wave-particle duality of light. Or Latinate endings that add an "e" to denote a plurals of words that end in "a".
By myself, I'm a llama. And by extension, all those who are related to me are also llamas. But equally, among my family, I enter into a hive-mind consciousness that can only be described as akin to the Borg Collective. So if it's helpful image, imagine us as a herd of llamas with Borg-like hardware.

If that thought disturbs you, maybe you shouldn't be reading this blog. Because there's lots more where that came from.

Some of the players:

Llama: That's me, your snuggly llama-llaw student. Small of stature, but strong of will. Ruminating on all those things you wish you left behind.

M.: My loyal companion. An engineer. A man of few words. He is neither llama nor Borg. Yet resistance is futile. He will be assimilated. Eventually.

m.: Mommy-llama. Part of the Borg. A loyal llama-blog commentator.

sister-llama, brother-llamas, Daddy-Llama: The rest of the Borg

dogs: They live with the rest of the Borg, but are not of the Borg. They need love. Especially your love. Think of them as vampires for affection.

Other players: As they appear.

Setting: Llamaville. A pseudonym for a college town in Northeast KS. It got burned down once during the civil war. The town is extraordinarily proud of that.

Borg Collective: Also name for the permanent or temporary home of the rest of Borg. Currently sparsely populated due to attrition attributed to college attendance and subsequent molting into adult Borg.


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