100 Days of.... Pretty :D: Day #35

Nov 04, 2013 13:45

Tokio Hotel

Just a little one today.

Tokio Hotel, being their usual weird and wonderful selves


We'll start with Gustav.

Gustav has some damn fine ankles, that's all I can say to this XD

Those are Bill's shoes, by the way.
Six foot two, glamarous avenging angel Bill, he was at this time.
Fuck that noise.

Gustav's being fabulous today.

Gustav tries on Bill's clothes take two.

...Sometimes, I think there are days when Gustav gets out of bed, and just decides "Hey, let's fuck with people's heads."
Because he's bored.
A bored Gustav is a scary Stav

Seriously, a lot of people write him as sweet and innocent or just plain mardy.


This is the dude that will table dance for money, wear his bandmate's high heels for shitz'n'giggles
and wears t-shirts with muff diver on it to an awards ceremony where he will be
honoured as the drummer of a crazy rock group who like to steal other people's awards.

Tell me again how boring and useless he is.


Because I'm listening.

Of course he does.

He approves. Do it.




Oh dear.

Glam Bill, you are not.
I love the crinkly brows though. XD

Whoops, I think I offended him.
He has a fabulous bitch, please face, I have to say.

Bill found the vibrator.
Top setting's a bit high, though.

And now, the Hobbit...

Niiiice, Georg.
Sexy face, right there.

The joys of being a superstar.

LOL, Georg.
Did someone goose you?
Also, your eyes are very green there.

I just love his hair here.
It look so.... not perfect.

And now for the great Tomness...

Seriously, I could have been still posting these Tomdumb pics for days. XD

Tiny but yeah.
He's no Michael Jackson.

I think this is a guy thing.

LOL, I can make it look like I'm peeing on people!

Man, you have some epic eyebrows.
I think gajastar calls them face kittens, and Tom has a pair and a half.

Sometimes... I wonder about him.
He's a bit dippy, is Tom.


This is why I love this band.
They're just a bunch of children, sometimes.

Bill wants the camera, Tom doesn't want to give it up, Georg is trying to settle it,
and Gustav just looks on...
Wondering when the madness will end.

Day 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34

100 days of pretty, tokio hotel

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