Tokio Hotel
So hallo again. Another day, another pretty face.
You had one G, and today, I decided you needed another one. I give you the band drummer, and resident awesome...
He has such strong arms and shoulders, even at that young age. *sighs happily*
And off we go into the wonderful world of Gustav!
Small but nice to see him interacting with the crowd. And UNF. Gloves.
One thing to truly love about him is his eyes - very serious and deep. You could lose yourself in there.
His drums! It's very important to not forget those!
So serious too... And of course - shorts XD
Baaaaad boy, Gustav. And again with the glove fetish but why did they give him a neck tattoo? :P
And last but not least. I think this was the Automatic shoot. I love this - he looks so intense and determined.
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