May 05, 2005 14:41
I Elizabeth Marie Margaret Staten officially have a job!! Which means that i will officially be resurfacing back into the world of the living very very soon!! Hip Hip Hurray!! I start work Monday and my official title is Paid Fundraiser, for Dialogue Direct, working on behalf of Children International, or in short just a dialoguer. *smiles* Basically Children International, which is the charity I choose to work for (there were others, such as WWF (world wildlife Fund) and Plan (who are working on Fighting Aids in South Africa and Asia) but this one seemed to be doing the most good and every time i see those comertials on tv asking me to sponcer a child, seeing the filth they live in and the water they drink, bathe, and deficate in just makes me ill, literally. I have always wanted to sponcer a child, but never felt i could afford it. SO this is my way of getting involved, it is the one i wanted to be involved in.
I get paid very decently (more than hallmark, but a little less than careerbuilder) and i get to do something good. What more can i ask for? hehe Now we just have to buckle down and make sure to keep this job right liz? hehe Yes...
But anyway, now that i am a functioning part of America again, i can come out of hiding. I'm thinking of having my shindig May 14th. Its a saturday i believe and anyone who needs to crash onto sunday can, just be ready to sleep on the floor. hehe if your 21 bring a bottle of something, if your not bring food of some kind, thats the way its gonna work. hehe What do you guys think?? Let me know...
I hit boystown,girlstown, and the lake yesterday with North. We are busy bees. hehe Had so much fun, got sunburnt all over my face...ouchie, and stayed up til all hours of the morning eating pizza and being drunk on Diet Rite. lol Its official, i am in love with this girl. I just know we are going to be great friends for a good long time. hehe I mean who else can i have open honest straightforward talks with about anal sex and strapons! LOL...
YAY for friends, old and new...*smiles*