
Dec 12, 2014 16:10

Things accomplished today:

Rang future landlord dude and sorted some stuff out. This was of the good.

Managed to drag myself to the hospital and get my prescriptions and buy my medications.

Got some Christmas shopping done with my limited funds.

FINALLY booked a table at a local fleamarket for mid-January, which should hopefully help de-clutter the place and get me a tiny bit more cash at least.

Still short of my damn rent goal, though--keep the donations coming. Nobody has actually offered to buy any of the items in the last post--I don't know if I overpriced them or something? Thing is, PayPal charges stupid fees these days when they didn't just a while ago, and thus I had to make some items 7 e because when I get the money through Paypal, I'll only get 5 e and so on. Gah.

Speaking of Christmas shopping, anyone want to buy a bottle or two of these for me if I gave you the money and the postage to Finland? Because this guy no longer delivers this stuff to Finland for some stupid reason. It's a really good quality Arab perfume oil and everything (Jaffar and ze Pwinzezz love it and use it at their baths in Bird of the Wilderness, and ths is the stuff Nasrin says drives her husband mad from lust in Defy Not The Stars).

But yeah, that oudh thing can wait--I recalculated the damn January rent thingy and it turns out I wasn't actually 220 e short, but *screams* 270 e short. And that's after the donation I got today and I just... *sigh* *headdesk*

Yeah, so if you can help me in any way (yet again), the PayPal buttons are all over the place now and stuff. *le sigh*

perfume, fleamarkets, health, oudh, poverty sucks, life the universe & everything

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