30 Days of Who

Jul 09, 2010 02:05

Day 22 - A Who-related fan site

Uhmmm. Hard to say which one. For keeping up with news, I usually head down to Blogtor Who and Gallifrey News Base. And if you are a spoiler whore and want to grab loads of video clips that you can't access outside the UK and other Whovian stuff, you should head off to Life, The Universe and Combom. If you can put up with his poor literacy, that is--that man wouldn't recognise an apostrophe if it came up and strangled him. Thankfully, there seem to be other posters on that blog right now, so it's not as bad as it was before--but the place is still full of spoilers, if you want to avoid 'em.

As for pictures, Doctor Who's Tragical History Tour is a thing of beauty. Tens of thousands of Doctor Who images? PORN. Be sure to check The Master Lists for both the classic and the new series. I laughed so hard when they first put the first one up, complete with a picture of Delgado. <3

fannishness, doctor who, timecock, memery, 30 days of who, memery: fannish

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