Oh, Rassilon. TvTropes actually has a full page of crackpot fan speculation of people who are secretly
Time Lords. This is beautiful. If I wasn't so tirede, I'd so be adding my list (Matt Bellamy, Stephen Fry... I'm glad Gene Hunt is on there already). Also, nice to see someone linked my smoking Delgado gif from the
Estrogen Brigade Bait page;). Whoever it was, own up! And I'm love with the FoeYay (Live Action TV) page, because...
well. It's not just the header image, but the first two and a half pages... *g*
I... didn't have much else to say. It's one of those days when TvTropes has swallowed me whole. And I should sleep. Butbutbutbut.
Have some porn to compensate.
He's thinking of ways to make you scream.
ETA: Oh, I know! Go and read
this awesome fic by
travels_in_time. It's a crossover RPF/Doctor Who fic, and I swear it's worth reading even if you aren't into RPF (it's all gen, and quite lovely and isn't about unfing). Has Tennant and Simm and they may or may not swap places with their fictional counterparts and and I won't give more away, but it's beautifully fannish and I am pretty sure Dave has had a dream like this once or twice. Go read!