Ainley!Master/JohnSmith!Ten of EPIC proportions, part 2

Feb 20, 2008 01:44

Continued from here.

[10:24] snowgrouse: so the Master gets up
[10:24] snowgrouse: pulls John up with him
[10:24] snowgrouse: kissing him hungrily
[10:24] snowgrouse: tongue deep in John's mouth
[10:24] beatle_fool: nnngh
[10:24] snowgrouse: just licking him inside
[10:24] beatle_fool: teaching him to kiss, fuck
[10:24] snowgrouse: one hand on his arse
[10:24] snowgrouse: oh yes
[10:24] snowgrouse: John still whimpering
[10:25] snowgrouse: then pulls back a bit
[10:25] snowgrouse: fuck
[10:25] snowgrouse: just to see his eyes
[10:25] beatle_fool: gorgeous
[10:25] snowgrouse: beautiful
[10:25] snowgrouse: "Bed."
[10:25] beatle_fool: yis plz
[10:25] snowgrouse: and oh fucking god
[10:25] snowgrouse: I have this image
[10:25] snowgrouse: it's one of them fairly plain old four-posters
[10:26] snowgrouse: just white sheets
[10:26] beatle_fool: dark dark wood
[10:26] snowgrouse: like you'd have in an old English house like that
[10:26] snowgrouse: not very ornate
[10:26] beatle_fool: oh yes
[10:26] snowgrouse: but pretty
[10:26] beatle_fool: yesss
[10:26] snowgrouse: spirally posters
[10:26] snowgrouse: John is standing facing the bed
[10:26] snowgrouse: the Master is behind him
[10:26] snowgrouse: kissing his neck
[10:26] beatle_fool: ngh
[10:27] snowgrouse: beard scratching
[10:27] snowgrouse: teeth grazing
[10:27] beatle_fool: I just thought of him unbuttoning his shirt from behind him
[10:27] beatle_fool: but go on
[10:27] snowgrouse: undressing him slowly
[10:27] snowgrouse: ...
[10:27] beatle_fool: ...
[10:27] snowgrouse: that's what I was thinking of
[10:27] beatle_fool: ILU
[10:27] snowgrouse: exactly the shirt
[10:27] beatle_fool: that is hot
[10:27] beatle_fool: I dunno why
[10:27] snowgrouse: the whole image was of him undressing
[10:27] beatle_fool: ILU
[10:27] snowgrouse: because John needs to be
[10:27] beatle_fool: yes
[10:27] snowgrouse: needs the Master to do it for him
[10:27] beatle_fool: but from behind
[10:27] beatle_fool: you said that
[10:27] snowgrouse: exactly
[10:27] snowgrouse: definitely
[10:28] beatle_fool: and I immediately thought undressing
[10:28] snowgrouse: <33333333333333333333
[10:28] beatle_fool: <3333333333333333333333333
[10:28] snowgrouse: *elopes*

[10:29] beatle_fool: braces
[10:29] snowgrouse: Master pulling them down
[10:30] beatle_fool: ngh
[10:30] snowgrouse: <33333333
[10:30] snowgrouse: pulling John's shirt out
[10:30] snowgrouse: John looking at him
[10:30] snowgrouse: trusting
[10:30] beatle_fool: over his shoulder
[10:30] snowgrouse: Master so fucking hungry
[10:30] snowgrouse: yes
[10:30] beatle_fool: god
[10:30] snowgrouse: just ngh
[10:30] snowgrouse: his neck
[10:30] snowgrouse: lips parted
[10:30] snowgrouse: eyes open
[10:30] snowgrouse: lashes gorgeous
[10:30] beatle_fool: nnnnnnnnngh
[10:30] snowgrouse: hair falling into his eyes already
[10:31] snowgrouse: Master unbuttoning his shirt
[10:31] beatle_fool: NGGHGNGHGHG
[10:31] snowgrouse: prolly has a fucking undershirt too
[10:31] beatle_fool: probably, yes
[10:32] snowgrouse: but yes
[10:32] snowgrouse: that face
[10:33] beatle_fool: looking at the Master like that
[10:33] beatle_fool: fucking hell
[10:33] snowgrouse: just so fucking gentle
[10:33] snowgrouse: feels like a new man is emerging from underneath those clothes
[10:33] snowgrouse: feels...beautiful?
[10:33] beatle_fool: yessssss
[10:33] snowgrouse: ...someone finally thinks he's... worth doing this to?
[10:34] snowgrouse: and it makes him tremble a little
[10:34] snowgrouse: but all the really cute guys are selfconscious and angsty and shy and don't think they deserve it
[10:34] snowgrouse: John Smith doubly so
[10:34] snowgrouse: oh god
[10:34] beatle_fool: <333333333333333333333333333333333333
[10:34] snowgrouse: Master pulling the undershirt over his head
[10:35] beatle_fool: skinnnnnnnnnnn
[10:35] snowgrouse: braces falling around his buttocks and thighs
[10:35] beatle_fool: nobody has seen him this naked since he was a boy
[10:35] snowgrouse: Master's gloved hands stroking his chest
[10:35] snowgrouse: yeah, only doctors:D
[10:35] snowgrouse: and nobody's touched him like this
[10:36] snowgrouse: caressing the little bit of hair on his chest
[10:36] snowgrouse: (hehehe, wait 'til he sees the Master's furry chest)
[10:37] snowgrouse: and he draws in a sharp breath as the Master tugs his trousers down
[10:37] snowgrouse: RIBS
[10:37] beatle_fool: ribbbbbs
[10:38] snowgrouse: oh fucking god
[10:38] beatle_fool: the Master is still fully clothed
[10:38] snowgrouse: the Master's cock pressing against his arse through his underpants
[10:38] beatle_fool: nngh
[10:38] snowgrouse: yes, only his cock out
[10:38] beatle_fool: velvet on his back
[10:38] snowgrouse: SUIT FUCK TIEM
[10:38] beatle_fool: HOT
[10:38] snowgrouse: well maybe
[10:38] snowgrouse: he'd want to anyway
[10:38] snowgrouse: Master, that is
[10:38] beatle_fool: another time
[10:38] snowgrouse: but this needs to be gentle
[10:38] snowgrouse: he can break him later
[10:38] beatle_fool: a quickie inbetween classes
[10:38] beatle_fool: hee
[10:39] snowgrouse: he has a feeling this one will break prettily
[10:39] beatle_fool: the Master will slowly use less and less mind control
[10:39] beatle_fool: until it's all John
[10:39] snowgrouse: maybe even join the Master like he's always wanted him to
[10:39] beatle_fool: mwahahaha
[10:39] snowgrouse: oh yes
[10:39] snowgrouse: and the Doctor knows very very vaguely of sodomy
[10:40] snowgrouse: but for some reason he isn't as scared as he should be
[10:40] snowgrouse: and that makes him feel amazing
[10:40] snowgrouse: he *is* brave, as bold as Cyril is
[10:40] snowgrouse: and he decides to show it again
[10:40] beatle_fool: eeeeeee
[10:40] snowgrouse: turns around
[10:40] snowgrouse: taking initiative
[10:40] beatle_fool: YES
[10:41] snowgrouse: puts his hands on his broad chest
[10:41] snowgrouse: on the silk vest
[10:41] beatle_fool: breaking so easily
[10:41] beatle_fool: what a good little boy <3
[10:41] snowgrouse: very
[10:41] snowgrouse: and he kisses Cyril
[10:41] snowgrouse: doing what he did
[10:42] snowgrouse: and the Master lets him
[10:42] snowgrouse: tongue so unsure
[10:42] beatle_fool: that must be a bit of a head trip for the Master
[10:42] snowgrouse: but when John licks the roof of his mouth
[10:42] snowgrouse: fuck
[10:42] beatle_fool: the Doctor but not the Doctor wanting to kiss him
[10:42] snowgrouse: definitely
[10:42] beatle_fool: like that
[10:42] beatle_fool: confusing for a moment
[10:42] beatle_fool: <3
[10:42] snowgrouse: and fucking intoxicating
[10:42] beatle_fool: yessss
[10:42] snowgrouse: this is why he came here
[10:43] snowgrouse: to have the Doctor
[10:43] snowgrouse: without resistance
[10:43] snowgrouse: as weak as those humans he so loves
[10:43] beatle_fool: <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
[10:43] snowgrouse: yet still enough of himself left in there
[10:43] beatle_fool: so innocent
[10:43] snowgrouse: oh yes
[10:43] snowgrouse: so fragile
[10:43] beatle_fool: beautiful
[10:43] snowgrouse: could be crushed like an insect
[10:43] beatle_fool: but he wouldn't
[10:43] snowgrouse: but far, far more amusing to be played with
[10:43] beatle_fool: he couldn't
[10:43] beatle_fool: not that he'd admit that
[10:43] snowgrouse: far more pleasant as a pet
[10:44] snowgrouse: definitely
[10:44] snowgrouse: John unbuttoning his vest
[10:44] snowgrouse: and shirt
[10:44] beatle_fool: fur tiem
[10:44] snowgrouse: and he feels jealous again
[10:44] snowgrouse: this time he even lets out a tiny, tiny breathy laugh
[10:45] snowgrouse: so he has to stroke all that hair

[10:46] snowgrouse: John thinks--what was it that Cyril said? Worship.
[10:46] snowgrouse: That's the word.
[10:46] snowgrouse: and he does, he adores.
[10:46] beatle_fool: god
[10:46] beatle_fool: thinks Cyril is a better man than he is
[10:46] snowgrouse: rests his cheek on his chest
[10:46] snowgrouse: definitely
[10:46] snowgrouse: older, wiser, stronger
[10:46] beatle_fool: bwaha
[10:46] snowgrouse: just to feel it
[10:47] snowgrouse: then nuzzles up to his neck
[10:47] snowgrouse: to be pulled into another kiss
[10:47] snowgrouse: the Master showing a little impatience
[10:47] snowgrouse: because he just wants to devour that mouth
[10:47] snowgrouse: devour this gorgeous creature
[10:47] beatle_fool: heee
[10:47] snowgrouse: thank goodness his fly is already undone so it's easy to push his trousers down
[10:48] snowgrouse: and the Master can...
[10:48] snowgrouse: oh...
[10:48] snowgrouse: ...kneel.
[10:48] beatle_fool: guh
[10:48] snowgrouse: He never thought he would do this
[10:49] snowgrouse: distracts himself by pulling John's socks off:D
[10:49] snowgrouse: and shoes, eep, he would have shoes
[10:49] snowgrouse: shoes, socks, trousers
[10:49] beatle_fool: hehehe
[10:51] snowgrouse: the Master nuzzles
[10:51] snowgrouse: and John hesitates a little
[10:51] snowgrouse: but strokes his hair, eventually
[10:51] snowgrouse: still neat
[10:51] snowgrouse: he's a bit afraid of ruffling it
[10:51] snowgrouse: so he just... smooths it
[10:52] snowgrouse: mmm, sleek
[10:52] snowgrouse: pants rumpled up anyway
[10:52] snowgrouse: cock sticking out
[10:53] snowgrouse: And oh god
[10:53] snowgrouse: Master tugs them down
[10:53] snowgrouse: reaches between his legs
[10:53] snowgrouse: strokes his inner thighs
[10:53] snowgrouse: barely touching his cock
[10:53] snowgrouse: just pressing the softest kisses on it, John can feel the beard more than he can feel the lips
[10:54] snowgrouse: suede-covered fingers on his thighs, on his arse, oh god, balls cupped in his hand
[10:54] snowgrouse: and it feels so, so good
[10:55] beatle_fool: god
[10:55] snowgrouse: how this could ever be a sin he wouldn't know
[10:55] snowgrouse: the Master can take him in deep
[10:55] snowgrouse: pauses to taste him first, just to hear him whimper again
[10:55] snowgrouse: just flick his tongue over the head
[10:55] snowgrouse: remembering what the Doctor likes
[10:56] snowgrouse: the exact slapping touches of his tongue
[10:56] beatle_fool: nnngh
[10:56] snowgrouse: and then he takes him into his mouth
[10:56] snowgrouse: fuck
[10:57] snowgrouse: to the back of his throat
[10:57] snowgrouse: not nearly as big as he is and that gives him such smug satisfaction
[10:57] snowgrouse: and as he pulls back, he *sucks*
[10:58] snowgrouse: even then John's fingers clutch his hair painfully
[10:58] snowgrouse: damn
[10:58] snowgrouse: he might just have to let John come fairly soon so he can take his time later
[10:58] snowgrouse: but he isn't going to give him the satisfaction yet
[10:59] snowgrouse: pulls off
[10:59] snowgrouse: gestures for John to lie down on the bed

[11:01] snowgrouse: John's lying down
[11:01] snowgrouse: but he's squeezing his legs together
[11:01] snowgrouse: still shy
[11:02] snowgrouse: I wonder what the Master will do next...
[11:02] snowgrouse: crawl over him, that's what
[11:02] snowgrouse: kiss him, more savagely than before
[11:02] snowgrouse: chest to chest
[11:02] snowgrouse: full weight on John
[11:03] snowgrouse: parting his thighs with his own
[11:03] snowgrouse: unstoppable force
[11:03] snowgrouse: and John... lets him
[11:03] snowgrouse: wonders if this is what it feels like for a woman
[11:03] snowgrouse: because he just wants to submit
[11:03] snowgrouse: just be taken
[11:04] snowgrouse: and that frightens him too
[11:04] beatle_fool: GUH
[11:04] snowgrouse: just Cyril's... force
[11:04] snowgrouse: strength
[11:04] snowgrouse: he couldn't say no even if he wanted to
[11:04] snowgrouse: pinning his arms down
[11:04] snowgrouse: slowly rubbing up against him
[11:05] snowgrouse: movements that start from his hips
[11:05] snowgrouse: and end with his tongue fucking John's mouth
[11:05] snowgrouse: fucking his belly
[11:05] snowgrouse: moving faster
[11:06] snowgrouse: oh god
[11:06] snowgrouse: and John wants it
[11:06] snowgrouse: his arms around Cyril's neck
[11:07] snowgrouse: even as he pulls back
[11:07] snowgrouse: still some weight on him, but
[11:07] snowgrouse: ...finally
[11:07] snowgrouse: finally he takes his gloves off
[11:07] snowgrouse: strokes them down John's face
[11:07] snowgrouse: John closing his eyes, mouth open
[11:08] snowgrouse: then throws them aside
[11:08] snowgrouse: because
[11:08] snowgrouse: John doesn't even remember he was supposed to have a skin condition
[11:08] beatle_fool: heee
[11:08] snowgrouse: because the Master spits on his palm
[11:08] snowgrouse: such a vulgar gesture
[11:08] snowgrouse: and grabs John's cock
[11:08] snowgrouse: bare hand
[11:09] beatle_fool: oh god
[11:09] snowgrouse: and oh fucking god
[11:09] snowgrouse: John's hips would lift off the bed if Cyril wasn't holding him down with brute force
[11:09] snowgrouse: pinning him down as he wanks him
[11:09] snowgrouse: firmly
[11:09] snowgrouse: fast strokes
[11:10] snowgrouse: only briefly pausing to twirl his fingers over the head
[11:10] snowgrouse: to gather more moisture
[11:10] snowgrouse: spread it on John's cock
[11:10] snowgrouse: make it wet
[11:10] snowgrouse: "Look at me, John."
[11:10] snowgrouse: and John does
[11:10] snowgrouse: looking so, so young
[11:11] snowgrouse: not sure what is happening to him but it feels so fucking good
[11:11] snowgrouse: making continuous noises now
[11:11] snowgrouse: so fucking embarrassed
[11:11] snowgrouse: face, chest flushed red
[11:11] beatle_fool: HOW DO YOU DO THIS TO ME
[11:11] snowgrouse: and he can't look away
[11:11] beatle_fool: I'm trying to like, not pant here
[11:11] snowgrouse: the Master's arm over his chest
[11:11] snowgrouse: pressing down
[11:12] snowgrouse: and fuck
[11:12] snowgrouse: he cries out
[11:12] snowgrouse: the most amazing sensations ripping through his body
[11:12] snowgrouse: he's convulsing as if sick
[11:13] snowgrouse: every muscle clenching, unclenching
[11:13] snowgrouse: and all of it just shooting out of his cock
[11:13] snowgrouse: fuck
[11:13] snowgrouse: it's like cries of pain
[11:14] snowgrouse: the Master just stroking him, not slowing down
[11:14] snowgrouse: very precise, very calculated
[11:14] snowgrouse: John's come splashing the Master's belly
[11:15] snowgrouse: and all throughout
[11:15] snowgrouse: John's staring into his eyes
[11:15] snowgrouse: helpless
[11:15] beatle_fool: fuck
[11:15] snowgrouse: coming so fucking hard
[11:15] snowgrouse: his first proper orgasm in his entire waking life
[11:15] snowgrouse: just the surprise of it
[11:16] snowgrouse: it's enough to make him shiver for minutes afterwards
[11:16] snowgrouse: what the *hell* just happened?
[11:16] snowgrouse: his stomach muscles clenching
[11:16] snowgrouse: feeling so fucking wonderful on the Master's cock as the Master lies on top of him again
[11:16] snowgrouse: with his full weight
[11:18] snowgrouse: god
[11:18] snowgrouse: if this was Simm!Master I'd make him rim John
[11:18] snowgrouse: but somehow I don't think it'll happen
[11:18] snowgrouse: I think he just scoops a lot of come up with his fingers
[11:18] snowgrouse: and starts massaging John's arse before he's even fully recovered
[11:19] beatle_fool: guh
[11:19] snowgrouse: keeps some cream stuff in a jar beside his bed
[11:20] snowgrouse: doesn't even need to get off the bed to grab it
[11:20] snowgrouse: he's planned everything
[11:20] snowgrouse: and I think he just spends a long time
[11:20] snowgrouse: just massaging John
[11:20] snowgrouse: his thighs
[11:20] snowgrouse: what he can reach of his buttocks
[11:20] snowgrouse: oh fucking hell
[11:20] snowgrouse: remember that fisting guy with the finger-dipping?
[11:21] snowgrouse: and the spreading movements with his hands?
[11:21] snowgrouse: THAT SORT OF MASSAGING
[11:21] beatle_fool: fucking hell
[11:21] snowgrouse: just...
[11:21] snowgrouse: god
[11:21] snowgrouse: because he knows what it does to John
[11:21] snowgrouse: to have him spread his legs
[11:21] snowgrouse: and hold himself open
[11:22] snowgrouse: he doesn't force the thought into his mind
[11:22] snowgrouse: he just does it
[11:22] snowgrouse: he just tells him to
[11:22] snowgrouse: and John discovers he wants it
[11:22] snowgrouse: hair so fucking damp with sweat and sticking to his forehead, panting into a pillow
[11:22] snowgrouse: on his back
[11:22] snowgrouse: the Master's got some fucking awesome patience
[11:24] snowgrouse: AinleyMaster. Between his legs. Amused smile.
[11:24] snowgrouse: massaging.
[11:24] snowgrouse: his.
[11:24] snowgrouse: arse.
[11:24] snowgrouse: open.
[11:24] snowgrouse: he knows he has to prepare John properly
[11:25] beatle_fool: I think I may have died
[11:25] snowgrouse: but on the other hand, if he fingers him for too long he might get too sore, and he doesn't want that
[11:25] snowgrouse: because he wants to fuck
[11:25] snowgrouse: him
[11:25] snowgrouse: senseless
[11:25] snowgrouse: can't wait to slide in
[11:26] snowgrouse: his own cock is making stains on the sheets
[11:26] snowgrouse: and when he finally slides fingers in properly
[11:26] snowgrouse: very very gently
[11:26] snowgrouse: he sucks on John's cock
[11:26] beatle_fool: guhhh
[11:27] snowgrouse: so fucking tenderly
[11:27] snowgrouse: it reminds him of drunkenness and of youth
[11:27] snowgrouse: and his own hopes, but he reminds himself this is all in service of a fantastic revenge
[11:27] snowgrouse: for the Doctor having crushed his.
[11:28] snowgrouse: this time?
[11:28] snowgrouse: He's going to fuck him so hard, break him so completely he'll never, ever leave.
[11:28] snowgrouse: and he has John trapped
[11:29] snowgrouse: every curl of his fingers makes John buck into his mouth, every suck makes him push back further onto his fingers
[11:29] snowgrouse: and John doesn't even question
[11:29] snowgrouse: just goes with what his body tells is right
[11:29] snowgrouse: even if there is a slight discomfort, the pleasure inside--
[11:30] snowgrouse: --and what the hell was THAT?
[11:30] beatle_fool: HEE
[11:30] snowgrouse: "Oh, *god*."
[11:30] snowgrouse: Master smiling.
[11:31] beatle_fool: guhhh
[11:31] snowgrouse: Beard brushing against his cock
[11:31] snowgrouse: as he pulls back
[11:31] snowgrouse: "Feels good, doesn't it?"
[11:31] snowgrouse: words dripping honey
[11:31] snowgrouse: fucking purring
[11:31] snowgrouse: tilts his head a little
[11:32] snowgrouse: "Shall I do it again?"
[11:32] snowgrouse: Sweat beading on John's lip
[11:32] snowgrouse: (and fuck, by now he's so broken I'm imagining him looking like when he does when he cries over the Master's body)
[11:33] snowgrouse: (the bit where he stares into emptiness with his mouth open)
[11:33] snowgrouse: voice thick, low "Please..."
[11:33] snowgrouse: and now the Master can chuckle evilly
[11:34] snowgrouse: three fingers
[11:34] beatle_fool: fuck
[11:34] snowgrouse: more cream
[11:34] snowgrouse: just the head of John's cock in his mouth
[11:34] snowgrouse: just where it feels so good, just how the Doctor likes it
[11:34] snowgrouse: and he positions his fingers carefully
[11:35] snowgrouse: he hasn't forgotten either
[11:35] snowgrouse: finding just the right spot
[11:35] snowgrouse: and curls
[11:35] snowgrouse: HARD
[11:35] snowgrouse: really. fucking. HARD.
[11:35] beatle_fool: *flail*
[11:35] snowgrouse: so that John fucking screams, and when it fades, it's a groan of embarrassment
[11:36] beatle_fool: hope nobody heard
[11:36] snowgrouse: and the Master rolls that new spurt of precome on his tongue
[11:36] snowgrouse: savouring it
[11:36] snowgrouse: so fucking delicious
[11:36] snowgrouse: "Mm. Again?"
[11:37] snowgrouse: John is too far gone to say anything
[11:37] snowgrouse: he just nods frantically
[11:37] snowgrouse: this is like his dreams
[11:37] snowgrouse: pleasure and pain
[11:37] snowgrouse: and that dark man, always that dark man
[11:37] snowgrouse: and now he knows to connect both the pleasure and pain--disjointed parts of an image- -to the man
[11:38] snowgrouse: so maybe, he laughs inside his mind, almost hysterical, this is his dream come true
[11:38] snowgrouse: but the Master pulls out
[11:39] snowgrouse: John only hears wet sounds
[11:39] snowgrouse: and oh god oh fucking god
[11:39] snowgrouse: he is not doing what he thinks he's doing
[11:39] snowgrouse: that... THING can never fit, oh god
[11:39] beatle_fool: heee
[11:39] snowgrouse: Cyril is groaning over him
[11:39] snowgrouse: especially when he can slip the head of his cock in
[11:40] snowgrouse: but fuck
[11:40] snowgrouse: all those tight muscles
[11:40] snowgrouse: for the first inch or two
[11:40] snowgrouse: all of those around the sensitive head
[11:40] snowgrouse: and him, too, stretching out the most sensitive part
[11:40] snowgrouse: he can pick up the pain and the fear from John's mind
[11:41] snowgrouse: but also, surrender
[11:41] snowgrouse: as if he *wants* to hurt
[11:41] snowgrouse: stupid, foolish trust in pleasure manifesting somehow because those fingers felt so good
[11:42] snowgrouse: that's his Doctor
[11:42] snowgrouse: ever the optimist
[11:42] beatle_fool: heeee
[11:42] snowgrouse: And right now being kind and being impatient work well together
[11:43] snowgrouse: he doesn't want to prolong the pain, so he pushes in deeper, and fuck
[11:43] snowgrouse: John isn't relaxing
[11:43] snowgrouse: muscles resisting
[11:43] snowgrouse: eyes wide, wide open
[11:43] snowgrouse: he can see the whites above John's irises
[11:43] snowgrouse: and John's not looking at the Master
[11:43] snowgrouse: he's looking inside
[11:44] snowgrouse: draws in a shaking breath
[11:44] snowgrouse: eyes fluttering shut
[11:44] snowgrouse: and the Master swears he can see a faint glitter of tears
[11:44] snowgrouse: which, of course, just makes him smile
[11:45] snowgrouse: and once he's fully in
[11:45] snowgrouse: well, not to the hilt, but as deep as that fucking amazing virgin arse will allow
[11:45] snowgrouse: gripping him so much tighter than his own fist ever could
[11:45] snowgrouse: he gently kisses John's face
[11:46] snowgrouse: if there were tears they must've dried
[11:46] snowgrouse: because he can't taste them
[11:46] snowgrouse: but kisses John's eyelids anyway
[11:46] snowgrouse: moving inside him slowly
[11:47] snowgrouse: and there
[11:47] snowgrouse: the frown melting into the smallest of smiles
[11:47] snowgrouse: John's mouth parting just so to curve beautifully
[11:47] snowgrouse: just a glimpse of his teeth
[11:48] snowgrouse: that reminds him of the first time he did this to him
[11:48] snowgrouse: and he moves faster
[11:48] snowgrouse: rolling his hips to find the right angle
[11:49] snowgrouse: until John looks drunk
[11:49] snowgrouse: until his mouth falls open
[11:49] snowgrouse: until his eyes open, lost, again
[11:49] snowgrouse: searching for the Master's
[11:49] snowgrouse: and oh
[11:49] snowgrouse: John puts his hands to the Master's shoulders
[11:50] snowgrouse: looks straight up at him
[11:50] snowgrouse: strokes his shoulders
[11:50] snowgrouse: up to his neck
[11:50] snowgrouse: and back again
[11:50] snowgrouse: and now he grits his teeth
[11:50] beatle_fool: ...oh god
[11:51] snowgrouse: bollocks
[11:52] snowgrouse: just...
[11:52] snowgrouse: because the Master's found the right spot
[11:52] snowgrouse: and he knows it, the pleasure is palpable
[11:52] snowgrouse: even without looking into John's mind, he knows it
[11:53] snowgrouse: and John has started making sounds again
[11:53] snowgrouse: "Oh. Oh. *OH*."
[11:54] snowgrouse: and the Master stops
[11:54] snowgrouse: and John fucking SHAKES
[11:54] snowgrouse: and
[11:54] snowgrouse: starts
[11:54] snowgrouse: pushing
[11:54] snowgrouse: back
[11:54] snowgrouse: and it's the most beautiful thing he's ever seen
[11:55] snowgrouse: John so desperate now it really looks like he's crying
[11:55] snowgrouse: and fuck
[11:55] snowgrouse: The Master wants to just pull out now and cover his face in come
[11:55] snowgrouse: or slap him, watch his palmprint blossom on that face
[11:55] snowgrouse: that face he loves and hates
[11:56] snowgrouse: wrap his hands around that slim throat and crush his windpipe with his thumbs, killing him without the ability to regenerate
[11:56] beatle_fool: ohgod.
[11:56] beatle_fool: ILU
[11:57] snowgrouse: but instead
[11:57] snowgrouse: he strokes the backs of both hands down John's cheeks
[11:57] snowgrouse: and then *rams* in
[11:57] snowgrouse: making John yelp
[11:57] snowgrouse: and that yelp is so pretty he does it again
[11:57] snowgrouse: again
[11:57] snowgrouse: again
[11:57] snowgrouse: againagainagain
[11:57] snowgrouse: lets go
[11:58] snowgrouse: John's head rolling from side to side
[11:58] snowgrouse: fingers digging into the Master's shoulders
[11:59] snowgrouse: and he can't stop and he's coming and fuck he's coming virgin arse so fucking tight oh fuck oh Doctor oh Doctor yes yes *Doctor*--
[11:59] snowgrouse: and he may have just groaned "THETA"
[11:59] snowgrouse: but he doesn't care, his hips are jackknifing
[12:00] snowgrouse: and he is in into his *balls*
[12:00] snowgrouse: such a satisfying slap
[12:00] snowgrouse: finally
[12:00] snowgrouse: he vaguely feels John coming between their bellies
[12:00] snowgrouse: without being touched
[12:01] beatle_fool: fucking hell
[12:01] snowgrouse: but doesn't care
[12:01] snowgrouse: on his last thrust he just fucking stays there
[12:01] snowgrouse: back arched like a bow
[12:01] snowgrouse: every muscle trembling
[12:01] snowgrouse: balls pressing into John's arse
[12:02] snowgrouse: the last bolts of his ejaculation just shooting inside John's unmoving body
[12:02] snowgrouse: John's--Doctor's--hips lifted off the bed, legs around the Master's waist, like a fucking rag doll
[12:03] snowgrouse: and there's nothing like triumph
[12:03] snowgrouse: nothing like pure unadulterated victory
[12:03] snowgrouse: just nothing like it in the universe.
[12:03] snowgrouse: nothing like John curling up in his arms afterwards
[12:03] snowgrouse: like a little boy again
[12:03] snowgrouse: and when he falls asleep
[12:04] snowgrouse: the Master is in his dream
[12:04] snowgrouse: just observing
[12:04] snowgrouse: that dark man in the shadows of his brain
[12:04] snowgrouse: always been there, will never leave.
[12:04] snowgrouse: *COLLAPSE*
[12:05] snowgrouse: brb
[12:07] beatle_fool: I love you
[12:07] beatle_fool: so
[12:07] beatle_fool: so
[12:07] beatle_fool: hard
[12:14] snowgrouse: HARDER BITCH

Lemme know what you think.

semi-fic, chatpr0n, timecock, doctor/master

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