Have I mentioned lately how much
nastally fucking ROCKS when it comes to Master/Doctor vidding?
...yeah? You remember that Kirk/Spock video to NIN's Closer that's like the best fanvid in the history of the universe?
NOW THERE IS A MASTER/DOCTOR EQUIVALENT. Go. Download. Be warned that it has explicit gay sex in it, mixed rather well with actual porny bits of Tennant and Simm (yes, she used THAT deleted clip from Boston Kickout and THAT clip from Secret Smile). Go give her feedback.
And of course, the fact that she achieved the near-impossible and vidded Muse's
Space Dementia to Doctor/Master across the ages... DUDE.
Even if there are talky video bits and sound clips, I still fucking love them. Dude, they override the persnickety part of my brain, this is how good these are.
And not at ALL because I love the songs. *cough*
Also, am progressing on the
masterficathon fic. It is still very raw and stuff and hasn't been completely de-chattified but I'm putting in added evil and descriptions and sensations and YET MORE RUN-ON-SENTENCES OF PURPLITUDE THAT STRETCH FOREVER OH BABY YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN AND THEY NEVER EVER STOP IN A TWIRLY SWIRLY TIMEY-WIMEY BALL OF HAWT HOMOGAY ACKSHUN. Might poke people with it later, y.
The Porn Twin is not in chat. Wah. On the other hand, this helps me with actually getting shit done re: the fic, but still. Sniffle. Might pester others later. Once I've finished stripping the fic of timestamps and usernames and shit at least. I PROMISE IT WILL BE GOOD. And not include squee. Srsly.