-Watched stuff really early in the morning with
sam42. The rest of The Lakes, series 1. It was fucking AWESOME. Even better than I remembered. And holy crap, that cliffhanger at the end! I had no idea there was going to be one--I must've missed that ep--and I never saw the second series. People have been saying the second series is shite, but I'd still love to see it. Especially if the main writer stays the same and well, because John Simm in a leading role=fantastic. Danny's a very interesting combination of utter woobie and a complete wanker. I'll reserve my judgement for later, but now I'm just going GUH NGH SOMEONE UPLOAD S2 PLZ. NOW.
-Slept. Badly. Really fucking badly. Gahhh. Only for a few hours, it was too hot and I knew I had to get up at four-ish.
-The reason I had to get up was to see
mytsis and Maija S. At around six, they finally arrived, and it was of the yay to see both of them again. I HAVE MISSED YOU GIRLS, DAMN IT. It was lovely to see you, my friends, to hear how you and your cats were doing and laugh and joke about things, as brief as it was. I had missed the way Maija laughs, she's got a great sense of humour. And she's watched the S1 of NewWho (because the fuckers still haven't shown anything after Eccles here--YLE2, WTF?), and likes it.
mytsis isn't a Whovian but back when I posted
THE CHAIRS PIC of Teh Simm, she liked it, and some others were also approved of with a "yum". I showed the girls bits of The Sound of Drums--when the journalist woman comes to warn Lucy (because--wall-leaning--NGH) and of course, The Phone Sex and had to continue on to the Teletubbies bit 'cause I couldn't stop. The girls seemed appreciative, yes. It was, of course, difficult to explain "omg this is the Master, he's like the Doctor but EVIL and he's been in the show for thirty years and they grew up together and they're like SO BITTER EX-BOYFRIENDS and and and THEY JUST ARE HOT, OKAY" and "The Teletubbies thing is a reference to a story from the 70's! You're meant to not be entirely sure whether the Master thinks aliens in kiddies' tv shows really are aliens or whether he's taking the piss! And that is brilliant!" and and and I showed 'em Simmspam and PHOTOSHOP PRON and this elicited a few "WAAH/MWHAHAAAAA"s out of Maija, who I don't think has seen too many of mine. I only showed them Master/Doctor and PotC stuff because I was trying to restrain myself, yo. I love you gals, I do. Thanks for hanging out with me. And for the incense. And for scritching Noki. AND BEING YOURSELVES.
mytsis! You liked John Simm--you will positively *adore* him reading short bedtime stories for kids
here. I love "Winnie The Witch"! Not just because I remember reading it as a kid, or because it's about a witch, but because for the past week or so, my "new" (i.e. future-brother-in-law's old) carpet is mostly black and gray. And the nights have been getting longer. And I turn all the lights out because insects keep flying in through the open windows otherwise. Darkness, black carpet, smoke-black cat, clumsy human=SHRIEKS IN THE NIGHT. But anyway. IT AM STORY TIEM NOE. YOU CAN HAS.
-Hungry. Have massive cravings for fags. Caved in a bit earlier this week because brain was screaming for dopamine or something. And the cross-shaped filters on Kent (used to be called Barclay) dark green menthols. Fuck. Way to enhance someone's addiction by making a filter that feels interesting and nice when it's in your mouth. That thing and the ritual of a drink and a cig, morning tea or something and just standing there--the ritual of smoking is the thing that I like about it. I don't even like the smoke that much. Or the taste. Or the nicotine or the dizziness. I just... like short, routine rituals that take less than five minutes. Especially when I'm bored.
-And to those following the LJ/6A kerfuffle,
this is how Eric Cartman and co. deal with it. Yes. It's fandom vs. LJ through South Park, with fannish references to Doctor Who and quite a few other fandoms you're bound to recognise. It's written like a good South Park episode and it made me howl with laughter, go and give it a click. EEHHHEHE. Highly recommended. (
who_daily take note, I think it should be linked--it's mostly a South Park/Who crossover and very current-affairs-on-LJ-y. And fucking funny, of course:D)
-Oh fuck SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTT, one week to the deadline of the
masterficathon. I am asking for betas already. HALP?!?
animagiblender? Anyone who could help with a smooth buildup? Basically, I got a request that fit so perfectly with something
sam42 had just done in chat a few days previously, and I need to take all of that and turn it into a proper fic. And it's pretty fuckin' difficult--you know how you just slip into that mode where you presuppose everything, where far too much is obvious because you're writing just for the sake of the pretty images. You just mention which version/mode/interpretation a character is in (Hyper!Doctor for a comedy, Emo!Doctor for angst, Dark!Doctor for fuckuppance) and bang. But gah, I need help in how to add in bits that convey this in the story. It just starts in the middle. Like fantasies do. It's not as bad as it could be, but it could posssibly lead to more buildup and I'm torn between wanting to say "established not-very-emotional-yet-warming-up tentative relationship with non-penetrative sexual experimentation going on" in a disclaimer and just fucking handwave it, but... I hate doing that, to be honest. It's cheating. Especially since there are bits in there that I really, really want to pack an emotional punch, a really fuckin' hard kick later on. So I need to start pretty early, I suppose. AURGH. HOW IS IT EVER GOING TO BE 1000 words?
Oops. I think that was enough rambling. Really tired and Sam's having trouble getting online. It's five in the morning and I'm knackered. So I shall sleep. Yes. But not before I click on a gratuitous new userpic--inspired by the one
empy has of
Lucius and his pimp cane/ It is pure fucking genius, I have merely stolen it for another fandom. And because hearing this particular rare radio rip version of it--or something--just broke me (punk rocker/tacky easy-listening singstress covering the former's song of "Hey baby, SPANK MEEEE"). I SHUT UP NOW YES.