Jan 23, 2007 18:58
Got off to a late start today and there was a substantial discount if I waited until noon to start snowboarding. Was on the mountain from noon until 3:30pm. At that point my leg muscles were very sore and more like jello. I could do no more so I headed in.
Conditions are OK, but could be much better. Very little powder anywhere leaving lots of packed powder and some occasional icy conditions. Temperature was not nearly as bad. Started off at about 11°F and was in the low 20's most of the day. Sun was out full strength and not a cloud in the sky all day. Wind was dead calm.
Best part was realizing how my new gear was working this time. My old boots and bindings somehow created a nasty pressure point right on top of my left foot. Felt like there was a metal strap tightened around it all of the time. Today? Not one pressure point in either foot! That was so worth it.
Think I might do one full days worth of lessons tomorrow and then on my own the last two days. However, considering my shape now, maybe that's not a good idea? Maybe only do 1 1/2 day? I'll sort it out tomorrow morning.