The washer might explode....

Sep 01, 2013 10:41

I worried about my action plan. A classmate asked for an example before I could. I’ve done action plans before! I feel a lot more confident about it now; I just need to get confirmation on what standards I need to use (Arizona or California). I was also awesome enough to think in advance and was able to ask one of my mentors tons of questions about activities and things I could do with the kids for my lesson plans. So I have part of my work done it just needs typed up! Unfortunately it still takes me forever to write up action plans.

I’m working on it now along with part of my creative writing! I feel a little sluggish this morning but not bad. Decaffeinated coffee certainly isn’t helping kick start my brain!

I’m struggling with vocabulary activities and assessments. I have no idea what to do for this section. I suppose I can wait to ask a mentor on Tuesday (since Monday is a holiday). I’d really love to have this done before then, though. Hrm, I have no idea what would be kindergarten specific in way of vocabulary. A lot of vocabulary that kindergarteners need is sight words, but we also have vocabulary specific to stories and subjects. I find this even more difficult to set up activities for because the kids are emergent readers. I don’t know how to present new words when I’m not sure what words they know (or even what words they can read). Okay, I think I figured out something to do for it. I’ll print it out though and take it to my mentors on Tuesday and Wednesday and see what feedback I can get from them. They’ll be able to help me refine it if it needs it and point out what may or may not work. But now I feel a lot more confident about action plans and I feel even better about having to write lesson plans. I think it’s odd that I need to outline my outline, though.

I’ve noticed that although I struggle with concepts and ideas lately, I feel a lot more confident with my over all work. Not just as a teacher candidate but also as a writer. I might even say I feel more confident as a person (in general) which is saying something since I tend to be a very confident person. I feel good though, so I try not to complain. I just noticed I feel more confident in most of my work than say a year ago. I feel a lot more confident as a writer than a year ago. I just feel better about myself in general too. Not that I necessarily felt badly before but I do feel better.

Cross-posted at Snow Drops.

school: mentors, school: teaching, life

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