(no subject)

Aug 30, 2013 10:17

August 29, 2013
I accomplished half of my reading and discussions. The dread and overwhelming amount of work I faced this morning have slipped away. In no way thanks to myself. I can focus so much on the silly, stupid, bad things that I forget the good things. I know I shouldn’t, but I do, because I feel overwhelmed. But it’s not like I have to do everything alone (as I never have). I feel much better now and I’m so thankful for the things I am able to achieve. Things I don’t achieve, I’ll get back to later for another try.

One big thing we’re teaching the kids is that if something doesn’t work or goes wrong that you keep trying. You do your best and you don’t give up. We don’t get frustrated because we need to be a good example, but I think it’s also fair to point out that sometimes it’s hard and sometimes we do get frustrated. Sometimes it is okay to leave it alone and go back later. Sometimes I feel like we focus on success when it can be equally important to give our best and still not achieve what want. Sometimes we have to find different solutions. Sometimes we have to move on. I have no idea how we’d teach that to children though. Experience may be the best teacher, but for some things I’d like a heads up, you know? Perhaps I just come from an angle where even the best laid plans can go terribly awry. Maybe because I speak from experience, I know what it’s like to give my all and still not succeed.

August 30, 2013
Turned off my alarm and slept in for an hour today, very much worth it. My mind feels much sharper. Unfortunately (fortunately) some maintenance people are fixing a water leak in the street. They turned off our water, and it’s really inconvenient. Since they didn’t warn us, we had no idea it was off until someone tried to use the water. I was going to shower first thing this morning so that I could plop down and read textbooks, but the water isn’t working. So I’ll read instead and hopefully when I’m finished the water will be back on. I’m hoping it’s that they turned our water off and not something more serious on our part. And the water’s back on!

In reading about reading portfolios this week, I’ve almost decided to start keeping up better with my journal and reading. MAN, that would be a lot of fun for me. The only downside is that more often than not (lately) the only thing I’m reading is text books. Which would be a very dry and dull reading journal. But maybe I’ll get back into it when I’m on break again. I still have to finish Brilliance of the Moon!

I’ve been very productive this morning. I read my chapters, did my discussion, and started my weekly journal reflection! That just leaves me replies to classmates (which I did one of today) and the action plan. I might need some more guidance on the action plan. I can get it on Tuesday.

Also, YAY! Cherri and Mikari fixed my blog! :D I also made some new buttons for my affiliates. Rather than add a million pages, perhaps I’ll just keep the blurbs on the side. I don’t suppose it matters too much to anyone but me.

Blogging will now take place at Snow Drops, though I’ll still put site updates here, I think.

websites: rayjah, school: teaching, mikari, websites: blog, cherri

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