Fic Archive Post

Jan 02, 2020 22:54

Since site signatures and profiles offer limited space for links and summaries, I thought I'd create a list at the top of the LJ that I can update when fics are posted.

I'm a complete review junkie, so most of these stories have been posted in more than one place, and indeed some of them appear in many different archives -- a list of which stories appear in which archives is given at the foot of the page. All of them however are posted to my fic journal.

They tend to be gen with or without a secondary shippy plot, although about a quarter are basically shipfic. Quite a number are challenge stories of one kind or another, although in many cases those are ones that I had in mind anyway and just adapted slightly for the challenge. :) The most common rating is PG-13, although there are a few that are R/NC-17.


Nymphadora Tonks and the Liquor of Jacmel (275,000 words, complete, PG-13)

Version 1 at FA and CoS
Version 2 at CM, FFN, and LJ

Summary: It's never plain sailing for a newly-qualified Auror, and especially not for Nymphadora Tonks. Her Metamorphmagus talents are a big career advantage. Her dark wizard relatives certainly aren't. Being thrown in at the deep end on her first case doesn't make things any easier, either. So when Tonks puts her shapeshifting skills to good use investigating the trade in a highly dangerous potion, while simultaneously trying to deal with her family's very 'Black' past history, things quickly get complicated ...

[Set during the first half of Goblet of Fire, plot crosses paths with the books reasonably often but largely runs parallel.]

Novellas and Oneshots (reverse order of first posting, with approximate word counts):

Everything's Happening Today (3,500 words, PG-13)

Summary: Six months after a certain headline-making tribunal, Harry and his friends have a busy day. Light-hearted coda to A Law of the Medes and Persians and In The Bleak Midwinter.

[Written for shiiki's request on the timestamp meme]


Trick or Treat (500 words, PG-13)

Summary: Ron thinks Hermione is oddly enthusiastic about letting her children try a Muggle Halloween tradition.

[Written for the Checkmated Halloween Secret Gift Drabble Exchange]


A Law of the Medes and Persians (30,600 words, PG-13)

Summary: Harry would have liked a little peace and quiet after the Battle of Hogwarts to decide what he wanted to do next (although rebuilding his relationship with Ginny was definitely high on the list). But any such hopes were dashed by unexpected threats to his godson and to Kingsley's position as Minister, and once again, he and his friends found themselves in a courtroom taking on an old enemy ...


Solving the Clues (8,550 words, PG-13)

Summary: Kingsley Shacklebolt had never expected his habit of solving the Daily Prophet crosswords to uncover a security leak. But when the Potterwatch passwords started to appear in them as answers to clues, he had little choice but to investigate who was behind it ...


They Did What? (650 words, PG-13)

Summary: Avery attends a Death Eater meeting and discovers that the Order have inspired the Dark Lord's latest plan ...

[A gift ficlet originally for lazy_neutrino's birthday]


Repercussions (7,750 words, PG-13)

Summary: Severus Snape has bad hygiene -- in the opinion of Sirius Black. who pointedly tells him so. Severus Snape has dirty blood -- in the opinion of Regulus Black, who unwittingly tells him so. One telling leads to the other -- and both have surprising repercussions once they all start school.

[Written for Remix Redux 6, based on the original story The Repercussions of Having Bad Hygiene by rynne]


In The Bleak Midwinter (9,350 words, R)

Summary: Hermione Granger had grown to dread the winter. The season seemed almost to have a grudge against her. And so as she and Ron flew from summer in Britain to winter in Australia to search for her parents, she had both old and new issues to resolve.

[Written for the Checkmated Ron/Hermione Colorful Winter Quote!fic Challenge]


The Four Laws of Golpalott (1,600 words, PG-13)

Summary: A Ravenclaw student explains to his housemate why the Potions textbook contains no mention of Golpalott's Fourth Law.

[Written for the omniocular Spells, Jinxes, Curses, and Charms challenge.]


The Sleeper Awakes (10,300 words, PG-13)

Summary: "It's been coming on for a while," said Percy ... "But I had to find a way out and it's not so easy at the Ministry, they're imprisoning traitors all the time." (DH, ch30). This is Percy's journey to that point.

[Written for the Harry Potter Holiday Genfic Exchange 2007]


The Dark Side of the Moon (9,750 words, PG-13)

Summary: Remus Lupin has a ... particular interest in Luna Lovegood. But purely paternal, of course! Naturally.

[Written for the omniocular 'Totally Not Badfic' challenge.]


A Measure of Danger (1,250 words, G)

Summary: "I suppose it's a sign of growing up when you realise that your parents can be wrong, isn't it?" An adult Luna Lovegood talks about her part in the war.

[Written for the 2006 femgenficathon.]


To Dwell in Dreams (1,100 words, G)

Summary: There is danger in dwelling on past mistakes. Missing moment from PS/SS with Dumbledore and Snape.


Twenty Shipping Drabbles (2,000 words, R)

Summary: Twenty unrelated drabbles about some rather rare pairings.

[Inspired by The Great Harry Potter Drabble Challenge]


Unmarked (14,300 words, R)

Summary: Participation in the game of power has left Lucius Malfoy with many marks. Marcus Flint has none, and Lucius finds this appealing. But there are many complications in the course of their six year relationship ...

[Written for the 2006 FictionAlley Park Valentine's Day Challenge. First part posted in draft form 14th February 2006, at FictionAlley Park]


Desperate Measures (3,400 words, PG-13)

Summary: The Trio resort to kidnapping. And they rope Neville in to help. But sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures, which may be understandable when the reasons are known ...

[Written for the Checkmated Who, What, When, Where Genfic Challenge]


The Open Sea and the Sky (5,800 words, G)

Summary: "The first ever Atlantic broom crossing [was] by Jocunda Sykes in 1935" (Kennilworthy Whisp, Quidditch Through The Ages). Jocunda tells the story in her own words.

[Written for springtime_gen 2007]


The Right Time (11,300 words, NC-17)

Summary: After Ron and Hermione have a 'difference of opinion' about the development of their relationship, Ron unexpectedly finds himself seeking advice from Remus Lupin on the right way to approach affairs of the heart during wartime ...

[Written for the Checkmated Ron/Hermione MovieQuote!Fic Challenge]


That's What Friends Are For (2,200 words, PG)

Summary: Cho runs into an old friend and comes to an understanding.

[A pinch-hit written for the 2006 hp_holidaygen exchange.]


Battles with Basilisks (6,000 words, PG-13)

Summary: AU: Harry and Ron visit the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor's office to tell him where the Chamber of Secrets is. Everything Gilderoy Lockhart writes about himself ... is actually true.

[Written for the omniocular AU Extravaganza challenge.]


Preventive Medicine (1,300 words, R)

Summary: Two students visit Madam Pomfrey with an embarrassing problem. The cure may possibly be worse than the disease.


Blood Lines (2,200 words, PG)

Summary: A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within. --Ariel Durant.

On the Recent War, the Purity of Blood, and the Historical Context: text of the keynote speech given by Griselda Marchbanks to the Ministerial Conference on the Development of Magical Society in the New Millennium, March 2000.

[Written for the 2006 femgenficathon.]


Change For Me (2,100 words, PG-13)

Summary: Remus has an unusual request for Tonks regarding his old love. She doesn't really know how to react to it. Rather dysfunctional post-HBP Remus/Tonks.


Dangerous Driving (11,400 words, PG-13)

Summary: To his horror, Knight Bus driver Ernie Prang is 'invited' to become an informer for the Ministry at the beginning of the second war. As the months pass, Ernie finds that he has to decide which roads are the most dangerous ...

[Written for the omniocular All In A Day's Work challenge.]


Twenty Sibling Drabbles (2,000 words, PG-13)

Summary: Twenty unrelated drabbles about people related by their parentage.

[Written for the omniocular Brothers and Sisters challenge.]


Introduction to The Invisible Book of Invisibility (1,000 words, G)

Summary: Albus Dumbledore's introduction to the aforementioned book.

[Written for the omniocular Non-Fiction Fest challenge.]


Indistinguishable (1,750 words, G)

Summary: Successful young entrepreneurs Fred and George Weasley -- whose products sometimes seem almost magical! -- are interviewed by the Sunday Times Magazine. (Set about ten years post-war.)


You Tell Her (8,400 words, PG)

Summary: As the Trio begin their quest, Hermione has an uneasy feeling there's something important Harry and Ron aren't telling her. As it happens, she's absolutely right. But some things just aren't easy to tell when you're sure your friend won't want to hear them ... (Set shortly post-HBP. Contains the canon ships.)


Honour Amongst Thieves (4,250 words, PG-13)

Summary: What's a wizard to do if he needs to break into a Muggle high-security area without leaving a trace? Why, call in expert help, of course! Advice and assistance are especially vital when the security measures to be evaded are in the Tower of London, and the target is the Crown Jewels. Unfortunately, when Mundungus Fletcher is the expert in question, there's no guarantee things will go smoothly ...

[Written for the omniocular Anywhere But Here challenge.]


The Wolf Covers Its Tracks (5,300 words, PG-13)

Summary: Ten years after the end of the war, everyone thinks Fenrir Greyback is dead ... everyone except Remus Lupin. When Remus follows his maker's trail to the Canadian wilderness, their confrontation reopens many old wounds.

[Written for the omniocular Anywhere But Here challenge.]


The Hunter (870 words, G)

Summary: Luna Lovegood goes in search of Crumple-Horned Snorkacks.

[A short fic prompted by the Username Challenge at FictionAlley Park.]


Sleeping With The Enemy (1,150 words, PG-13)

Summary: " I can't see her -- Her! -- in the next bed, not through the hangings -- but I can hear her ... She's lying there peacefully, not a care in the world, while I'm lying here crying on my pillow ... After all, it seems She's the one Ron wants." Hermione/Ron/Lavender triangulation, set during HBP.


Not Given Up Yet (2,250 words, PG-13)

Summary: "We want to know more about people who fail. We care about people who are scared, who act foolishly, who are tricked by their vanity and trapped by their desires ... Flawed characters are the unforgettable ones". -- Susan Shaughnessy

Half-blood Slytherin Millicent Bulstrode reflects on her time at Hogwarts, the years of wasted effort she put in trying to be accepted by the popular students of her House, and what she intends to do about it.

[Written for the 2005 femgenficathon.]


Can't I Like Girls Too? (2,800 words, PG-13)

Summary: Tonks decides to try an experiment while talking to Remus in the kitchen at 12 Grimmauld Place. Features various members of the Order past and present, onstage and off, in relationships and not ... (Contains references to slash, which may offend some people. Contains references to het, which may offend some other people.)


A Really Bad Idea (2,300 words, PG-13)

Summary: Harry. Ginny. Hermione. Love potions!?! Moments missing from your copy of Book 6. Because some things are just a really bad idea. Featuring special guest appearances by the Half-Blood Prince and Horace Slughorn.


Something's Happened (650 words, G)

Summary: The Prime Minister of Muggles receives a visit from Rufus Scrimgeour in the wake of Dumbledore's murder.

[Written for the FictionAlley Park HBP challenge.]


Second Thoughts (3,000 words, G)

Summary: "Curious about what would happen if you tried me on again, eh? Wondered what else I might be able to do other than just Sort ... You're not the first student who's ever done this, you know, oh no - not by a long chalk. And I dare say you won't be the last."

A certain inquisitive student tries the Sorting Hat on again, and finds it in a chatty mood - as it talks happily about the Founders of Hogwarts, the factors it actually considers when making its decisions, and those students whose Sorting it has (or hasn't) had second thoughts about. (Setting: at the end of OotP, after the Department of Mysteries battle but before term ends.)


Toujours Pur (3,800 words, PG-13)

Summary: Mrs Black sits in her private box at the Quidditch stadium, and reflects on the importance of Black family values, her unsatisfactory sons, and a certain Chaser for the Kenmare Kestrels. (Set a few years after the end of the first war. Niffled)

[Written for the 2005 FictionAlley Park Valentine's Day Challenge.]


Different Paths (850 words, PG)

Summary: Madam Pomfrey visits the Hogwarts library and is forcefully reminded of her own schooldays. (Set immediately post-OotP.)

[Written for the 2005 FictionAlley Park Valentine's Day Challenge.]


Conspiracy Theory (5,400 words, PG-13)

Summary: On New Year's Eve 1972, a British Auror listens to the strange and alarming tales about twenty years of Muggle politics told (over a drink or six) by his American counterpart. Should he believe them? Because the truth is out there, or something ...


Whatever Gets You Through The Night (5,100 words, PG-13)

Summary: "One more thing I've learned about pain. It makes you innumerate. You lose the ability to count your blessings. All you can do is wait for it to go away. Get yourself through the day. That's doable. I have things to do, people to see. Then go home ... and get yourself through the night."

So how do you cope with losing Sirius Black - again? Remus Lupin tries different ways. Because whatever gets you through the night is all right. (Set immediately after the end of OotP. Written pre-HBP, some parts now sit uneasily with canon.)


Whatever You Say, Blood's Important (1,500 words, PG-13)

Summary: On Harry's 16th birthday, he receives an urgent warning at Privet Drive from Snape.

[Written for the Chamber of Secrets fanfic contest in February 2004, obviously no longer canon-compliant!]
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