november totally not badfic challenge

Nov 02, 2007 08:40

Welcome to omniocular's Totally Not Badfic November Challenge!

Below are over 130 prompts for clichéd, over-used, cracked-out, and ordinarily very bad scenarios, including a whole collection of entertaining crossovers. Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to claim one of these prompts as your own and turn a potential disaster into an honest-to-goodness quality story or piece of art. Note that we're not saying it has to be a serious story, not at all, just that it has to be a good story. That means no deliberate badfic, otherwise we'll mock you mercilessly for missing the point.

Stories and artwork or all genres and styles are welcome, as long as they are gen and do not focus on romantic or sexual relationships. You may claim one prompt at a time, and each prompt can only be claimed by one person. To claim a prompt, comment on this post with the one you want. If you have an idea for a story or piece of art that fits the challenge but isn't on the list, feel free to submit that as well.

The challenge is open to both members and non-members. Members can post their work at any time according to the posting guidelines. Non-members should post their work in their own journal and give us a link either in a comment on this post or via email at omnio_mods @, and we'll post a link on the community. The challenge will be open through November 30.


Harry & Friends, Their Contemporaries and Offspring

1. Percy Weasley and the Great Cauldron Bottom Caper. claimed by wemyss

2. How Umbridge fell in love with the color pink (gen love, mind!).

3. Severus Snape takes Harry cloak-shopping.

4. Harry's socks keep winding up in Ron's sock drawer. claimed by quinby

5. Crookshanks is the Animagus of Hermione's dreams.

6. Hermione really has changed over the summer. Now she has curves in all the right places, and a wardrobe from Hot Topic.

7. Harry and Ginny have three children, James, Albus Severus, and Lily. Albus Severus turns bad and kills James. Lily vows to take him down.

8. Dudley Dursley's life in Slytherin

9. Ginny is a vampire.

10. Ginny is Voldemort's daughter. And evil. And the future Dark Lady.

11. Draco is a Veela.

12. Draco is an angel. claimed by potteresque_ire

13. Secretly, Draco loves all things Muggle. His loathing for Muggles and Muggleborns is really a sham.

14. Hermione was adopted by Muggles. Her real parents are Death Eaters.

15. At midnight on his seventeenth birthday, Harry turns into a nonhuman magical creature...and everyone around him treats this as perfectly normal.

16. Harry is Snape's half-vampire son.

17. Hermione is a princess.

18. Hermione is a mermaid.

19. Hermione is a goddess.

20. Draco angsts and cuts himself while listening to a Muggle band. claimed by maple_clef

21. Harry is adopted by Voldemort.

22. Harry, Ron, Hermione and the character of your choice are the Four Elementals predicted by ancient prophecy. Each has control of only one element--unlike the regular Potterverse witches and wizards who can cast spells involving all four.

23. Draco forsakes his family and grows up to be fabulously wealthy and charismatic, with impeccable taste in wizard clothing.

24. The Weasley twins really do everything together. claimed by nundu_art

25. Adult Harry is given a chance to take over the mind of his younger self and fix everything that went wrong.

26. Hermione is adopted and we find out she's secretly Voldemort's daughter.

27. Harry was born a girl.

28. Harry inherits the Black family vault at Gringotts.

29. Harry has infinite Animagus forms.

30. The life and times of Harry Potter's long lost twin sister. claimed by jenn_calaelen

31. An American exchange student moves to Hogwarts and becomes fast friends with Draco Malfoy. claimed by meddow

32. The Sorting Hat insists upon re-Sorting all students midway through Harry's Hogwarts career.

33. Hermione has a terrible Time-Turner mishap and is transported back in time, where she has to enlist the aid of the Marauders and/or Snape to find her way home again. claimed by ladybracknell

34. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and bonus character of choice are the descendents of the Four Founders.

35. The real child of the prophecy is Blaise Zabini.

36. Hogwarts thinks of Harry as a favored son and can speak to him.

37. Neville is secretly the love-child of Peter Pettigrew.

38. Ginny is really the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange. claimed by barbiejocain

39. Hermione looses her memory and while she recovers, decides she wants to be a Slytherin and falls in love with Draco.

40. Hermione's cousin comes to visit over the summer and gives Hermione a makeover.

41. Harry/Ron/Hermione had changed over the summer. He/She had curves/quidditch-toned muscles in all the right places.

42. Harry, Hermione, Ron and Draco form a band and perform at the Yule Ball.

43. Hermione finds out that she's a pureblood--and that she was betrothed at birth to Draco Malfoy.

44. Several teenage characters throw a wild party reminiscent of those in bad teen movies.

45. Harry is convicted of a crime & sent to Azkaban. Of course, he's innocent. When he's finally released, he *doesn't* forgive Ron/Hermione/Dumbles/the Weasleys/the rest of the Order.

46. An adult Harry goes back in time to teach teen!Harry what he really needs to know.

47. Dumbledore has been manipulating Harry for years. Decades, even. Harry finally notices.

48. Ron & Hermione aren't really Harry's friends. Someone's been paying them to spy on Harry. claimed by quimtessence

49. Harry receives his magical inheritance.

50. Harry receives his non-magical inheritance (i.e. parents' vault/Sirius' vault/Gryffindor's vault).

51. Ginny still has bits of Voldemort's soul (from Riddle's diary) intertwined with hers. claimed by chichiris_chica

52. Blaise Zabini is a white Italian girl.

53. There is a Wizarding aristocracy (with the Malfoys at the very top), and they really are better than other people. The Weasleys, on the other hand, are white trash. claimed by nineveh_uk

54. By the time Harry's kids start Hogwarts, every single teacher was either in Harry's grade, or a member of the DA.

55. Harry is Salazar Slytherin reincarnated, and the books got it wrong - Gryffindor was actually the evil one. (Optional: Voldemort is Gryffindor reincarnated.)

56. Goyle is the new Messiah. claimed by msmoocow

57. Harry was raised by house elves.

58. Harry (despite being a 17-year-old untrained wizard child) adopts Teddy Lupin and is proclaimed father of the year.

59. Harry/Hermione/Luna is really the child of Regulus Black/Remus Lupin/Sirius Black/Bellatrix Lestrange claimed by snorkackcatcher

60. Harry/Draco is a girl disguised as a boy by Dumbledore. He may or may not know.

61. Albus Severus and Scorpius Malfoy are BFF.

62. Harry Potter is a Dark Lord, and the new ruler of Wizarding Britain. claimed by themolesmother

63. Harry is Voldemort's heir.

64. Harry is the heir of the King of Magic.

65. Hermione (or Ginny) is really royalty.

Snape, Lily, the Marauders and Others Characters of Previous Generations

66. Lily has three female friends. The four of them are called the Marauderettes.

67. James, Sirius and Remus never pal up with Peter, because he is fat and ugly and boring and ew, gross.

68. Snape's appearance to others is a sham. He is actually gorgeous, with long silky locks of hair, stunningly intelligent, and an expert on classical Muggle culture like Shakespeare and opera. His wine cellar is to die for.

69. A pureblood witch in Slytherin has it bad for Sirius Black, and he thinks he likes her too! claimed by alyxbradford

70. The rejection of Voldemort: He turns evil because Dumbledore won't love him the way he once loved Grindelwald.

71. Lily is a princess; James is a prince.

72. Peter is the epitome of all evil at the age of eleven. Despite this, he gets Sorted into Gryffindor.

73. Crookshanks is secretly Regulus Black.

74. Stubby Boardman is secretly Regulus Black. claimed by zainne

75. The Marauders get ready for a night on the town, which means two things: eyeliner and cute goth outfits. claimed by fools_trifle

76. Tonks and Charlie are mates at Hogwarts, the Marauders of their day.

77. Hedwig is really Lily in her Animagius form. claimed by lady_game

78. James and Lily really survived Voldemort's attack but decided to get on with their lives without Harry.

79. Snape secretly loves all of his students, especially Harry and Neville.

80. Snape is a Veela.

81. Snape's Animagus is a bat. Draco Mafloy lets Dracula into Hogwarts as a joke, and now only Snape can stop him. But is he strong enough?

82. Professor Sprout, Professor Trelawney, Professor Flitwick, Flich or all of the above has (have) changed over the summer. They have a new wardrobe and curves in all the right places.

83. The Dark Lord is really a big softy underneath.

84. Sirius Black is more evil than Peter Pettigrew.

85. Lily and James lived, but Dumbledore erased their memories/made them think Harry was dead/found some other way of getting them out of the way for nefarious reasons of his own.

86. A magical/potions accident turns teenage Sirius into a girl. He suffers shame, menstruation, and sexual harassment in the corridors.

87. Lucius Malfoy isn't really a bad man - just a very naughty boy.

It Could Be Anybody

88. Winged!anybody. Bonus points for winged and blind. claimed by khateh

89. Dumbledore decides to hold a Yule Ball. In June.

90. A student falls pregnant. Dumbledore encourages her to keep the child, for nefarious reasons of his own.

91. No electronics can be used in Hogwarts... except iPods.

92. Character(s) of your choice discovers fanfiction.

93. The students of Hogwarts meet on Livejournal.

94. The religious nuts are right: wizards are all Satanists out to corrupt the world.

95. The Ministry tries to eliminate evil by sending all Slytherins to Azkaban for life immediately after sorting. claimed by inkvoices

96. Young evangelical is sent to Hogwarts, despite being convinced magic is evil, and is keen to convert everyone. claimed by tree_and_leaf

97. Harry and Snape have to marry and reproduce in order to defeat the Dark Lord.

98. An American exchange student is Voldemort's daughter. Bonus points if her eyes change colour.

99. Mpreg.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Crossovers

100. Despite having absolutely no experience with the magical world, (Buffyverse character of your choice) is invited to teach at Hogwarts. Hell, make it the whole gang if you want.

101. Willow is a long-lost Weasley (ideally the twin of either Ginny or Percy).

102. Buffy is Voldemort's daughter.

103. Spike was a Malfoy when he was alive.

104. Spike was a Black when he was alive.

105. When Angelus killed Drusilla's family, he missed someone. That person was the ancestor of Luna/Hermione/Harry.

106. Giles and Ethan went to Hogwarts.

107. Dawn is inserted into life as Harry's sister, not Buffy's.

108. The reason no one discovered [character of your choice's] magic is because they lived on a Hellmouth. When Sunnydale disappears, Dumbledore discovers that person. (Generally Xander or Willow, can be someone else, but that person must have grown up in Sunnydale - so no Buffy.)

109. Despite the fact that Americans have their own magic schools, Willow Rosenberg gets a belated letter to study at Hogwarts. It doesn't help that until now, she thought the books were fictional.

110. Lily (or Hermione, or Ginny--your choice) is a Vampire Slayer. (For an added challenge, try to explain this plausibly in terms of the timelines of both series.)

111. Draco Malfoy is the descendant of Spike.

Other Crossovers

112. 300: Harry was raised back in ancient Sparta. Now he has to go back to the future and save a world he knows nothing about.

113. Bleach: One of the students at Hogwarts is being trained to be a Soul Reaper.

114. Charmed: Harry is really the grandson of Piper Halliwell.

115. Charmed: Harry, Ron and Hermione are all the children of the Charmed Ones--the Halliwell sisters of San Francisco.

116. Discworld: While poking around the restricted section, Hermione finds an application form for Unseen University... and fills it out and sends it in. Hilarity ensues.

117. Firefly: A character of your choice accidentally transports him/herself to the future, and needs the help of Serenity's crew to get back. Character is of course horrified at having to accept help from *gasp* Muggles.

118. Highlander: the Series crossover: At least one of the canon characters is an Immortal.

119. House MD: House knows all about the wizarding world. He should--he's Snape's cousin, after all.

120. Labyrinth: You know all those Goblin Rebellions? Well, most of them were fomented by the Goblin King--a wizard named Jareth...

121. Lords of the Rings: Draco is the descendant of Legolas.

122. Lord of the Rings: The Forbidden Forest is actually Mirkwood, the home of Legolas. (Well, they DO both have giant spiders...)

123. Lord of the Rings: Hermione is really the daughter of Aragorn and Arwen.

124. Lord of the Rings: Sauron was reincarnated as Voldemort.

125. Neverwhere: After the final battle, Harry just wants to get away from it all... claimed by star_x_faery

126. Peter Pan: Lucius Malfoy doesn't tell many people this, but his ancestor was Captain Hook.) claimed by ms_wanderlust

127. Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack Sparrow was expelled from Hogwarts after an incident involving the giant squid, Slytherin's basilisk, a phoenix, a time-turner, and the sorting hat.

128. Pirates of the Caribbean: There's a time-turner accident, and Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny wind up on the Black Pearl.

129. Stardust (inspired by the movie, but use the book if you see fit): Snape, Snape, Septimus Snape.

130. Ranma 1/2: A character visits the cursed springs of Jusenkyo, and falls into one of the springs.

131. Rent: People say Mark Cohen is a wizard with film. They don't know how right they are.

132. Rent: Maureen Johnson is the victim of a memory curse gone wrong. Cyberland is actually a magical place.

133. Rent crossover: Roger Davis is the lost son of the (Malfoy or Black) family, exiled to America because he is a Squib.

134. Rent crossover: Collins can do anything with computers. People don't realize that it's because he's actually a wizard.

135. Sailor Moon: Usagi Tsukino (or Serena Tsukino, if you watched the dub) comes to Hogwarts where she meets Harry, Ron, Hermione and the canon student character of your choice. Harry, Ron, Hermione and X are Sailor Senshi/Sailor Scouts. Problem--this means that in their secret identities as Sailors, Harry and Ron (and possibly X, if X is a boy) are girls. Because the true forms of Sailor Senshi are ALWAYS female.

136. Star Wars: The Dark Lord is teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts. No, not Voldemort. Darth Vader.

137. Star Wars: Harry is the OTHER son of Darth Vader and the future heir of the Emperor Palpatine.

138. X-Files: Mulder and Scully discover the existence of magic, wizards and the wizarding world.

139. X-Men: Wizards are actually mutants.


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