Jul 10, 2004 22:28
I suddenly realized in clearing my desk this evening that, although I had written my thoughts out longhand while watching this ep, I had not in fact posted them anywhere. So to avoid the embarrassment of posting them in a public forum two hours before Sunday, I'm putting them here...where it's almost guaranteed no one will see them. Here goes.
First of all, let me say that I loved this episode. Loveditloveditlovedit. Want to marry it and have its babies. GREAT script (thank you, Brad). Everything and everyone in it looked fabulous (muchas gracias, Kelly). Now onto the specifics:
1. Brian at the doctor's. The snark remains, albeit at a dimmer level. I thought this line was absolutely perfect: "How's your sex drive?" "With both hands on the wheel." Summed up Brian's current situation perfectly from within the guise of a typical throwaway Brian-crack.Lovely. And Gale's smile after the doctor says, "After all, you're not 21 anymore"? Wow. His ability to speak volumes without a word continues to astound me.
2. Em and Ted. Ummmm, Emmett? The guy walking on your left? Used. To. Fcuk. You. Does he really need to hear about the splendor that was sex with Drewsie the QB? Now granted, Ted seemed to deal with it well, and slid nearly seamlessly back into "friend" mode, which is where he's needed at the moment. But still....
3. Birthday party with Linds and Mel. I have to say, my first thought was "Oh, dear God, they've moved Gus's birthday to MARCH now?" Then I realized it was one of Dusty's brood. If nothing else, this scene answered my question from last week: Mel's definitely more mad because there was dick involved than because there was infidelity per se.
4. Have I mentioned lately how much I love Hunter? I've always found him refreshing and outrageously funny, but tonight I was bawling like a four year-old. I really thought maybe everything was going to work out for him; clearly so did he. Guess not. And that last scene with his crying about no one was ever going to love him had me wanting to fold his little lanky body up and put it in my pocket for safekeeping. I swear, Harris doesn't even look like he's acting. That's it; he's Baby Gale.
5. Nice move, Brian's bringing Remsen to Liberty House and then dropping back behind, drifting along as though he had no ulterior motive whatsoever. Man's a genius. I love how we've been seeing more and more of him at work as the series has gone on. Otherwise, it would be far too easy to assume that Brian's gotten all he has on simple charm and good looks.
6. B/J SEX!!!! Golly, I'd nearly forgotten what it looked like. I was right there with Brian in saying that it might well be in the top 5 (but are they *really* "well into the quadruple digits"?? I 'bout broke my brain trying to figure out how many times a year/month/day that made for.) Must have been wicked good, because we haven't seen Brian light up a cigarette in weeks. NB: Will-the-Roommate watched the whole scene (how far he's come in 4 years!) and cracked, "Well, the doctor said 'light stretching and mild cardio', and there it is!"
7. Emmett and Drew's Babylon scene almost had me fooled, it was so well done. I had to keep coming up with reasons why it *had* to be a dream sequence until they confirmed it was.
8. Spinning class. God, it was painful to watch. How hard must it have been for Brian to stay in that class, huffing and puffing and wiping sweat out of his eyes, while TED of all people whizzed along in front of him? Worse yet, how hard must it have been to get up off the bike and walk (well, limp) out? Ugh...my heart hurt.
Plus, you could tell Justin really wanted to get off that bike, and go after him. Three years ago, he's have gotten off. Two years ago, he'd have gotten off. Now, he knows better. Which made me a little sad, actually. Not sure why.
9. How cute (oh, he'd hate to hear that) was that little bounce of Brian's as he headed down the stairs on his way to his solo spinning class? And how hot was he under his own personal blue lights, pumping away...on the pedals? I've clearly developed some sort of biker fetish. Hmmmm, Brian has one ball, Lance Armstrong has one ball. Brian's 32, Lance is 32. Coincidence? I think not.
Looking forward to 413,