[voice, and look he means to do it this time]

Nov 14, 2009 14:43

[We all know the sounds of flipping randomly through a book, do we perhaps remember the sounds of someone opening it and shaking it up and down? HE CANT HELP IT HE'S CURIOUS Give him a minute, he'll think of a better plan.]

[Bordering excitement] H-hey, does anybody know how these really work? I mean, a way that isn't just "magic?"

Maybe ( Read more... )

nami, estelle, *voice, alexei, haruki, luka, usopp really likes talking, curiosity shook the journal, patchouli, tech-speak does not compute

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[Video] lukanightfever November 14 2009, 19:48:59 UTC
Maybe it's some kind of advanced technology. With chips implemented into the journal pages and sensors for when we write on them or talk to them in order to record the entries, sending the information and message itself to the other journals around by a wireless connection of a certain wave length so that we can't interfere it easily.


[Voice] sniperkingftw November 14 2009, 20:19:37 UTC
Huh? [Lost him at chips, got worse with sensors]

Oi, are you sure you know what you're talking about?


[Video] lukanightfever November 14 2009, 20:24:04 UTC
[Nods.] I'm sure, I'm made of those things. Though I guess they don't exist in your world...


[voice] sniperkingftw November 14 2009, 20:31:24 UTC
I guess not.

But- that's really cool! So you're like a cyborg?


[Video] lukanightfever November 14 2009, 20:35:58 UTC
[Surprise.] Wait, you know what a cyborg is? What I said should be part of the was the mechanic parts of a cyborg work, even if it's one of low technology.

[Smiles.] But yes, I'm like a cyborg, just I don't have a human base like them. I'm all artificial.


[voice] sniperkingftw November 14 2009, 21:02:53 UTC
Yeah, one of my friends is a cyborg! Didn't get to ask him about most of that stuff, yet.

That's really amazing!


[Video] lukanightfever November 14 2009, 21:28:10 UTC
Really? Is your friend here too? I would like to meet them, compare technology levels and such. Maybe we can learn something from each other for our worlds when we go back.

[Laughs.] You're the first to react that way, so far everyone here has been shocked, surprised or confused. Do you like machines, mister?


[voice] sniperkingftw November 14 2009, 22:27:30 UTC
[little bit depressed now]...he's not here, actually. But I bet he'd really like to do that, if he were.

Eh? Why would anyone think it wasn't interesting? [Must be one of those 'different world' things. Hm.]

[little more animated] Machines are great! Back home I used to love seeing how things worked. You don't have to call me mister, though; I'm Usopp.


[Video] lukanightfever November 14 2009, 22:44:30 UTC
[Looks upset.] Aww, that's a pity, there aren't any cyborgs per see at my world. There is people with mechanic members but not complete cyborgs. Then again maybe it's better if he's not here, if he needed some kind of batteries those may be hard to find here.

Uhm, I suppose they have never seen an android or a cyborg outside books and stories. Even some people from more advanced worlds weren't used to androids, much less singing androids.

[Smiles.] You like those things? I can't show you how I'm built directly without damaging myself but if you want I could draw the blueprints, I have them stored in my database. Do you build machines too or just like to see how they work? Ah, I'm Luka Megurine, pleased to meet you Mr.Usopp.


[voice] sniperkingftw November 14 2009, 23:01:34 UTC
It's too bad, yeah. I think he'd like you. Maybe better for him, though, not getting kidnapped and all.

He runs on cola, actually. I don't know if you'd think he counts, though- he only modified his front half. But he sings, too! Not really well, I guess.

[well anyway] Nice to meet you too, Luka. I like to build machines, but they don't work well a lot of the time. Franky's really good at it, though. He's the ship mechanic. [like an introduction in essence]


[Video] lukanightfever November 14 2009, 23:14:39 UTC
Cola? That's new, I didn't think it could be used as fuel but it's a great idea. I think that could be found here. [Laughs.] He counts, if he needs some kind of fuel or battery to make the mechanic parts work at least, he does count. Uhm, you say he modified his front half, so it was on purpose? Not due an accident or an experiment?

I see, still it's nice to meet someone who builds machines, even if they don't work. [Blinks.] Ship mechanic? You have a ship?


[voice] sniperkingftw November 14 2009, 23:19:24 UTC
It was on purpose, definitely. I don't know why, but I guess I don't really need to know.

Yeah. [excitement~] I'm a pirate!


[Video] lukanightfever November 14 2009, 23:23:43 UTC
Now I'm even more curious about how he is. A human modifying himself willingly is fascinating, at my world even just getting a mechanic member because they lost the real one isn't enjoyed by many.

A pirate?! Sounds great- [Freezes her excitment and gets a wary look.] Wait, what kind of pirate? The ones that invade towns and enslave people?


[voice] sniperkingftw November 14 2009, 23:31:12 UTC
It's really fun- [oh hi there questions]

We would never do that.


[Video] lukanightfever November 14 2009, 23:36:14 UTC
Then what kind of pirates are you? If you don't invade and enslave, then what? Are you there just for the adventure and the treasures, the exploration of the unknown and the fight against an oppresive goverment like the ones of the songs?


[Video] sniperkingftw November 14 2009, 23:42:58 UTC
[laugh] Exactly!


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