
Dec 21, 2009 00:00

[Usopp, true to luck and form, found himself dumped unceremoniously in the woods. Barefoot. Without. Shoes. Beat up to hell and back, sore and stiff and exhausted and bruised and- well at least his cuts weren't bleeding anymore, right? And, OF COURSE, he had to make this fun trek through said woods IN WINTER without SHOES. In the snow in winter, ( Read more... )

vash, the icon represents righteous fury, *return, nami, *action, chopperrrrrrr~, *voice, luffy, luka, noel, naoki, brook, the hell are my shoes?, sanji

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[Voice] oda_hates_me December 21 2009, 05:31:37 UTC
... Oi, Usopp?! [that is a voice he's very glad to hear]

Just wait a second! [flying out of the house kthanx] Where the hell are you?


[Voice] sniperkingftw December 21 2009, 05:37:36 UTC
[That is...a very good question, Sanji. Knew you had a brain in there. Looking around and failing to multitask.]


[Voice] oda_hates_me December 21 2009, 05:41:07 UTC
[hey, don't go quiet on him right now. Sanji will level the forest if you pass out or get kidnapped again]

Are there trees?


[Voice] sniperkingftw December 21 2009, 05:46:33 UTC
[fffff ohai thar journal. Usopp, man, let's pull your brain together for a minute.]

Uh, yeah. Forest. No water around, I think.


[Voice] oda_hates_me December 21 2009, 05:51:43 UTC
[that doesn't help him a lot, actually. Because guess what? There's a lot of forest in Luceti.]

Is there anything else? [doesn't want to start running until he's got a good sense of where he is]


[Voice] sniperkingftw December 21 2009, 05:56:13 UTC
[Usopp clearly needs to carry a map with him. One more try~]

Think I'm near the house...? Pretty sure. Haven't lived there very long, but...


[Voice] oda_hates_me December 21 2009, 06:07:58 UTC
[okay he can sorta work with that. Stupid sniper has got him running in circles.

But eventually, due to luck and sheer will, Sanji almost steamrolls over the poor guy. He takes a moment to just stare at him]

... You look like shit. [It's said with deep relief, at least?]... Usopp, where the hell are your shoes?


[Voice] sniperkingftw December 21 2009, 06:14:54 UTC
[:| Why thank you.] Nice to see you, too, Sanji.

[T-T whyyyy, his shoooooes. Who's miserable, hush. It is still a great marvel to him, this shoe thing.]

...I don't know.


[Voice] oda_hates_me December 21 2009, 06:20:51 UTC
[they can marvel over that later. Noting the lack of coat, Sanji slides his off and tosses at Usopp's head - really should've grabbed one on the way out, but details]

Hurry and put that on. Can you walk any farther?


[Voice] sniperkingftw December 21 2009, 06:25:22 UTC
[You are a god among men for this coat, Sanji, and therefore have his thanks. And another excellent question, where are you thinking these things up?]

Yeah. Pretty sure. [Er...once he's on his feet, anyway.]


[Voice] oda_hates_me December 21 2009, 06:28:41 UTC
[it's called logic, Usopp. Yours will return eventually.

And while he doesn't particularly like the idea of Usopp walking with BARE FEET in the SNOW, he'll see how far he can make it before offering up a piggy back ride. Usopp's pride as a man and all]

Alright. C'mon, I'm sure Chopper's gonna fuckin exhaust himself running in circles if we don't get back soon. [pulls him carefully to his feet]


[Voice] sniperkingftw December 21 2009, 06:38:05 UTC
[Naps and socks and hot chocolate and other warm things go far towards restoring logic.

You psychic, you. For the record? Also not fond of the idea, but he figures he made it this far so what's another...eh...damn, how far was this going to be?

Dawh, Chopper, he will now chuckle.] He might, yeah. [Onward?]


[Voice] oda_hates_me December 21 2009, 06:45:00 UTC
[oh, you will be napping for days if the crew has their way. Just hope you're ready for that.

And yes, onward. Starting slowly, and Sanji's got a light grip on his arm in case Usopp takes a tumble]


-ffffffffff forgot- [Action] THOSE OTHER ONES NEVER HAPPENED. sniperkingftw December 21 2009, 06:50:03 UTC
[At the moment, the idea does not displease him. After the first day or two, though, he might get restless.

What, you mean Usopp, master of balance, grace and dignity for as long as you've- whoa- wait, okay, fall prevented. Maybe a good idea, that grip. IT WAS ICY, OKAY? Totally like. Yeah. (icon = falling face)]


... LMFAO WE FAIL [Action] oda_hates_me December 21 2009, 06:54:55 UTC
[too bad. he's staying put, or they will tie him to the bed.

And sorry, Sanji is far from impressed now. Giving you a look, Usopp, that's as worried as it is exasperated]

Usopp, are you sure about this? [looks at how far they have to go, sighs, and then back to Usopp. Screw the other's pride] Just let me carry you.


[Action] HUSH. If we don't mention it further, we'll escape unscathed? :3 sniperkingftw December 21 2009, 07:09:03 UTC
[Well. Haha, what energy...]

[B-but Sanjiiii, IT'S HIS PRIDE AS A MAN. A 14 year old Russian girl who had no idea where she WAS could manage it.]

Oi, I'm fine. Just...stepped wrong.


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