
Dec 21, 2009 00:00

[Usopp, true to luck and form, found himself dumped unceremoniously in the woods. Barefoot. Without. Shoes. Beat up to hell and back, sore and stiff and exhausted and bruised and- well at least his cuts weren't bleeding anymore, right? And, OF COURSE, he had to make this fun trek through said woods IN WINTER without SHOES. In the snow in winter, without shoes. You got that? This did not a happy panda make. So intense was his outrage that he forgot for a while the magical communications uses of that journal he'd been carting around. Upon remembering, he will promptly allow himself to collapse sit down maybe a couple hundred feet away from the trees behind the Strawhat house in order to summon assistance.]

[Cause, you know, walking is for guys who don't need a puppy candy hugs medical attention and sleep. Lots of sleep. Opening journal and give him a minute, he's too tired for that quick thinking thing. Voice analysis: hoarse, fatigued, pretty annoyed. Actually, quite annoyed. Trying to come off as not shaken up and- well, he's probably failing.]

...oi, is anyone home? [Not leaving a long enough pause to get a reply to that. Patience is not with him in this matter.] C-could someone come get me, if you are? Don't...think I can walk much more today.

[Well, he could if he had to, he supposes. But why do it if Luffy and the others are coming for him, right? They're...good about that. No worries. It's all good. Not a problem. hoshit he's so tired.] Tch. If I get frostbite, I'll... [he'll...? What? Get himself kidnapped again so he can maybe find time to yell at them for it? Sigh. Ah, forget it.]

((ooc: Yup, early return. My net is very, very, very made of fail lately, so I will might be late with tagging, but Usopp is back. You know, now that that pesky event is over.))

vash, the icon represents righteous fury, *return, nami, *action, chopperrrrrrr~, *voice, luffy, luka, noel, naoki, brook, the hell are my shoes?, sanji

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