Today was rainy and miserable, and it really only went downhill from the soaking I got this morning. Work was...not BAD, but sad. We had to euthanize Buttons (a big orange cat who survived a housefire last week. Unfortunately, it can take days for the dead skin to fall off burns, so we didn't realize until today how badly off he was...and it was bad). I set a lot of things up but nothing has come around to results yet, and despite having sent thirty cats and kittens into foster this past week, I still haven't really made a dent.
So, have some kittens in sunbeams to counteract the rain:
I rearranged my room this past weekend, so now I have the floorspace to toss down an area rug. The kittens have never had this much room to play, or indeed, bask before.
Runt-girl ALWAYS looks this shocked. She's only just half as big as the orange boys, but she's the one who scraps with them most often. I am tempted to call her Neph.
Ewok scales the formidable pyjama-clad HIP BONE.
Sinclair is my little buddy. He enjoys sleeping on my neck and nibbling my fingers. Here he realizes that no one will save him from the bellyrub.
Poor Harvey is constantly bothered by them. She's just trying to be good about cleaning Gray-girl, but everyone else takes this as the cue to dogpile on her.
Onetwothreefourfive...we're missing one!!
Aha! There. The complete set.
These were taken last night. All the kittens enjoy climbing into my purse to survey the room, I just happened to catch Cade at it.
He has very impressive whiskers for a six week old kitten.
There, I feel better now. If I can make it through the upcoming clusterfuck of graduation, I will take a well-earned coma.