I only ever like kids who are related to me

Jun 14, 2008 20:51

First of all, my niece and nephew are two of the awesomest kids on the entire planet. The niece, who is two and a half, is a Capricorn sun with a Capricorn rising and the moon in Capricorn. She's very stubborn and I love it. I shouldn't indulge it, I know, but I have this thing for mouthy, defiant women. She's also very polite, says please and thank you and has nice manners at the dinner table, but she knows her own mind for sure. She also has the best laugh ever.

My nephew is a lot more reserved than my niece, always watching what's going on and waiting to participate until he feels comfortable. Once he does, though, man. First we played with squirt guns running through the forest behind my parents' house, and he would stop occasionally to point out different birds and plants, and then he'd soak me. But he was always right about the things he identified (most importantly, the poison ivy). Then we went to Target and we randomly wandered the aisles looking at fishing stuff and toys and car stuff while my mom did the actual shopping. When I asked him where his favorite place in the entire world was, he said, "The library." Then we came back to my parents' and he played around on the piano, then wanted me to play with him so I did, and I showed him the piano's insides and he said, "It's like a guitar! A piano's made of strings like a guitar! Grammy, did you know a piano's made of strings?" as if it was the most amazing discovery in the entire world. He made me play songs while he stood on the bench next to me and stared down inside and watched the hammers move. And then he said, "Well, you can make music with anything, really, you don't need stuff that's made just for music." And we ran around the house drumming on things and plucking rubber bands and dancing to the music that we made. The kid's fucking awesome, and he's only five.

It actually makes me rethink the whole "having little people of my own to raise" thing. Because he's awesome and that's because his parents are awesome and they teach him songs and letters and numbers and jokes and manners, and the world needs more people who are raised like that. So maybe I could be one of them. But then again, I'd be all by myself doing it, and it's a huge responsibility, and I sometimes think my cats are too demanding on my time. So, yeah, no immediate plans to spawn, but I'm thinking about it in a way I never have before.
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