(no subject)

Jun 14, 2008 22:10

1. First name: Sarah

2. Age: 32

3. Location: southern Arizona

4. Occupation: barista

5. Where and what you went to school for: My first two years of college were in Portland, Oregon, at Lewis and Clark College durig the height of the grunge era. I studied Medieval Literature and smoked a lot of weed. Then there were issues (mine) and I transfered back to a university in Iowa, where I ended up majoring in physical anthropology with an emphasis in forensics. A degree which I will probably never use, since I knew a week into my internship that I didn't actually want to be a physical anthropologist, I just liked working in the lab analyzing teeth and bones.

6. Partner?: Nope. Unless you count princessbananas, who's my hetero lifemate. Even though I'm not hetero.

7. Kids: none

8. Brothers/Sisters: An older brother (37) who's married with babies and a younger sister (29) who's a hippie but secretly just wants to be married with babies.

9. Parents: Both my parents are in their early 60s. My father's was a surgeon until he was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease about 20 years ago. Thankfully, he had a really good disability insurance plan. He's not well at all, mostly unable to control his muscles and it varies from one moment to the next whether he can't move at all or can't stop moving. And now he's showing signs of the beginnings of dementia, which sucks. It's hard on me still, I suppose, but I've already mourned the loss of the man I used to know, so while it hurts, it doesn't stab me in the heart every day. My mother was a teacher/interpreter for the deaf and then a stay at home mom. She and I never really got along when I was younger--I always suspected that she loved my pretty, popular sister more than she loved me, and I suppose she suspected that I loved my brainy, academic father more than I loved her. Now that I'm an adult, though, we've begun to really get along and depend on one another. My sister can't deal with my father's disease and my brother's too busy, so I'm the one my mother turns to now when she's scared or sad or lonely. Being the caretaker is a thankless job, but it's the one she's got, and she's doing her best (which is pretty damn good). She also has a vicious, twisted sense of humor that I had no idea existed when I was younger. She has my sense of humor, just with no swearing.

10. Pets: Gus is a 10 year old fluffy gray tomcat who enjoys shedding on things, breaking into the cupboard where his food is stored and gorging himself, and sleeping on my head. Maggie is a tortie who can't decide if she's feral and wants to run from me and hide all day, or if she's codependent and can't be happy anywhere but in my arms. Trinket is a rabbit who watches me sleep at night and will one day gnaw her way out of the cage and silently sever my carotid artery.

11. Who are some of your friends? princessbananas is my best friend, roommate, and fellow slasher. Although, she's been writing a lot of het, lately. And she's inanse. Laura's another good friend of mine and she's always there with a bottle of tequila and some nachos when things get rough. I have a lot of aquaintences, lots of people I know from the bars, but those are my only two really close friends.

12. List 3-5 important things in your life right now
I'm falling asleep and probably typing gibberish so no moaaarr

intro post, too much information, meme sheep, real life

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