Title: A New Client Rating: G Author: irisgirl12000 Word Count: 100 Challenge: 86: Crossover Fandoms: HP, bandom Warnings: none Disclaimer: JKR owns the Potterverse, and no one owns the other folks mentioned. Which, okay, FICTION, yes? Summary: Snarry intersects with my other fandom obsession: bandslash.
Title: Too Late Author: irisgirl12000 Word Count: 100 Rating: G Challenge: Number 34, apologizing Warnings: angst, character death Disclaimer: Don't belong to me.
Title: Between classes Author: irisgirl12000 Word count: 100 Rating: R? Warnings: slash, sex implied, attempt at humor Challenge: #32, thanksgiving Disclaimer: Not mine.
Title: Behind closed doors Author: irisgirl12000 Rating: PG-13? Word count: 100 Challenge: #27, touch A/N: Because everyone felt so sorry for Harry after reading Denial.