Title: OWLs
Characters/Pairings: Neville Longbottom
Word Count: 100
Prompt: Blank
Rating: G
Neville stared at the parchment in front of him and tried to ignore the pounding in his temples. If brewed properly, what consistency is Polyjuice Potion suppose to have? Um... No. Next one.
List the ingredients in the Confusing & Befuddlement Draught, and how the aspects of the ingredients effect the end result. Uh... What? Ok, next question.
What types of potions are Jobberknoll feathers used in.... YES! He knew this one. Neville scratched out the words ‘ones that effect memory’ before spotting the end of the sentence. and why?
Neville groaned. His Potions exam parchment was going to be very blank indeed.