Title: The Name
Characters/Pairings: James Potter, Lily Potter, Harry Potter, mentions of Harrison Potter [James’s Father]
Word Count: 284
Prompt: #76 - Harry
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Summary: A baby boy needs a name. But what will it be?
Disclaimer: Don't own. Just Borrowing. Promise I Won't Break Them.
Author's Notes: Harrison Potter is the idea of James’s father that I use most often [yes, I have a few]. He was extremely old when he had James, - 80 or so in wizarding years - and died during the young man’s sixth year at Hogwarts. He’ll, more than likely, be featured in several of my responses as more than just a brief thought, so if the idea of complex family relationships interest you, keep an eye out. [Harrison also has a very complex back history that, well, I probably won’t get into because I don’t want to be stoned by cannon purists. >>]
Lily looked so radiant. She was beet red. Her hair was drenched in sweat. She was clothed in nothing more than a paper gown. But she was radiant, laying there, holding his child, his son. James reached up, nervously raking his hand through his hair, causing it to shift and stand up on end as Lily turned her vivid green eyes up at James, laughing weakly.
“Oh, do you HAVE to do that now? You know I hate it...”
“I...errr...” James blushed, dropping his hand back to his side. “Sorry, Lils. I don’t realize sometimes. He’s so handsome.”
“He looks just like you,” Lily said, tucking the pale blue blanket gently around the baby boy resting against her chest.
“How so?” James asked, taking a step closer to the bed, leaning over to study the boy closer. He just looked like a baby to James. Course, his mother had always said women had a better eye for children than men did.
“His nose, for one,” Lily said, grinning as she poked the said appendage, giggling when the baby wrinkled his face up and raised his little fists to ‘protect’ himself from the offending finger. “And his chin.”
“I just don’t see it, Lily...” James said, leaning over and kissing her forehead. “Thank you.”
“For giving this prat the benefit of the doubt,” James whispered. “And being willing to look past the past enough to love me.”
Lily just smiled in response before turning to look back down at the child snugged against her, “What are we going to name him, James?”
“Harrison,” The man didn’t even hesitate.
“I thought you hated your father...”
“He didn’t understand me, Lily. That doesn’t mean I hated him.”