Title: Pain-In-The-Arse Recruit
Characters/Pairings: Nymphadora Tonks, Andrew Kirke
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Prompt: #6: Irritation @
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minorhp100 “Listen here, Kirke, and listen good,” Tonks snapped, aiming her wand at the forehead of a particularly annoying junior Auror. He had questioned every order she had give him, deliberately disobeyed half of these, and was just being a flat out arse most of the time. “I am your INSTRUCTOR. You WILL listen to what I have to say. You will do what I tell you to do. And you will do so without question. Is that clear, recruit?”
“Stop being a bitch, and I will.”
“Be grateful I’m not Moody, boy,” Tonks growled. “If I were, you’d be dead.”