FIC, FIC, Come & Read My Fic - - - - Chapter 3 to Christmas Surprise :D

Apr 16, 2007 12:58

Title: Engagement Party (Part 3 of my Christmas Surprise story) I know my title sucks :D
Writer: Lissie
Word Count: 3, 576
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Wish I could own the boys but alas, I don’t
Pairing: Jensen/Jared.
Minor Characters: Chris, Steve, Mike, & Tom
Summary: Jared grabs Jensen’s hands and holds this in place above his head as Jared proceeds to devour his mouth. The passionate kisses making Jen dizzy with desire. “Love You…Need You…”


Jensen slams the door and makes a bee line for Mike. He shoulda known the minute he gave him a spare key he would regret it. Jared grabs his arm to try to stop him from doing something he would regret later but looking at their living room it was getting harder for Jared to stop him from kicking Mike’s ass. “What the fuck did you do, Mike?” Jensen practically growls at Mike.

Jared just shakes his head as he looks at all the trash on the floor and the stains on their couch and carpet. As he glances around he sees the frame with their picture has been broken. Jared grabs the picture and heads towards them. “You better explain yourself. You’ve ruined our fucking living room.” Jen looks at Jared’s hand and grabs the picture. Jared hisses as a piece of glass cuts his finger. Jen looks at him and takes his hand to see the damage. He shrugs it off and they both looked at Mike. “I invited someone over and when I woke up, everything was like this. I’m sorry.” Jensen was tired and pinched his nose to try to stop the headache that threatened to drive him mad.

“Mike, we’re tired. It’s been a long couple days. So just go home and we’ll talk later” Mike looks ashamed but he knew there would be plenty of time to talk about his screw ups later.

They watch him go and sigh. “This is a great welcome home” Jared laughs as Jen tries not to break something. He grabs Jared and heads upstairs to their bed. The rest of the house thank god was spared from Mike’s ‘someone’. They shed their clothes and crawl into bed and wrap themselves around each other. “Remind me never to give Mike a big responsibility like house sitting again” Jared laughs and kisses him before drifting off to sleep.


“Great plan, Tom” Mike said sarcastically as he made his way home to his lover. “Make them believe that you’re irresponsible so that I can set up their engagement party” Tom laughs at the whole situation “I’ll make it up to you baby” Mike’s smile turns wider “You better be ready and willing by the time I step in the door, Mr. Welling” Tom laughs as he hangs up the phone. “This is what I get for being such a good friend”


Tom’s plan had worked. Since Mike had been such a bad boy Tom was given the key to look after the dogs and make sure everything was in order while they were filming. This gave Tom enough time to get everything ready. Most of the calls had been made and the major details covered. Now all the little things, but as everyone knows, its the little things that can make anything go from great to bad in no time flat.


The next morning, Jared wakes up to go for his morning run as usual. Jen was still very much asleep. The sun slowly drifts into the room and starts to kiss at Jensen’s freckled skin. He wants to reach over and kiss every single one of them but he knows better. Jared changes and heads out the door with his dogs.

He follows same path and was almost back home when his phone rang. Before that moment his life was perfect, now, it was all shattered…….


Drink after drink. Jared’s mind was reeling. Everything felt unreal. What had he done? He just left Jensen there. In their home, to think that he was just going to go get everything ready for their engagement party. He hadn’t told him that his mom called and told him that they would not be able to be any part of their wedding. They loved him but they could not be happy with his choice. Jen’s parents had been so great to him and it kills him that his parents couldn’t be that accepting of him. They couldn’t see he was happy and in love.

So here he was, in some random bar drinking his sorrows away and thinking of Jensen. Wanting to be with him and tell him everything he was feeling. It hurt. He hurt. But he didn’t know how to go back.

He had left in morning for his run and got the call. He was almost home when his world came crashing down. He couldn’t take being with Jen right now. He loves him to much to let Jen see him like this.

So he ran away as far as he could, he would check his messages from time to time but couldn’t bear to hear Jen’s voice. His voice was like one of those sirens from mythology; calling to him from a distance that made him want to turn the world upside down to be near, next to, and around him. That’s what made him fall in love with him. The way he could make his world complete.

“I need you” was all he said as he called Jen and left him a message. Jen had been so worried. Bad thoughts in his head threatened to drive him crazy. The man that meant the most to him in the world had gone missing. He called everyone he could think of but no one knew where Jared had gone. And as the time passed, all his emotions came out. He cried and panicked and tried to be rational but love wasn’t rational. He could feel that something was wrong and that call had confirmed it.

Jen called him back and could hear that Jared was somewhere public. He asked him where he was and made his way to him.  He finally got to this little hole in the wall where he could see Jared in the corner and the six empty beer bottles littering the table; he was currently working on his 7th. He couldn’t help but want to run to his side and kiss him and maybe smack some sense into him. He put him through hell. But seeing him like this. Looking like a very hurt puppy that needed so much love that it might take forever to fix him.

“Jay? What Happened? I was so scared” Jared meets his eyes and Jen could see the tears spilling to match his own. Jared reaches out and wipes away his tears and cups his cheek “They’re not coming…They couldn’t accept me” Jensen was confused until he saw the picture on the table. It was of his family, all smiles and love. He grabs Jared’s hand and entwines their fingers. Jared let it all out. So much pain. He was holding onto Jensen for dear life. “I’m sorry” his voice low and filled with pain. Jen lifts his head and looks him dead in the eyes. No words needing to be exchanged. He understands. They had been through everything and they would make it through this too. Jared smiles weakly and Jen joins him.

They sit there for what seems like hours and just hold one another. “Jared?” Jen looks up at him and Jared’s eyes were softer now. “Need sleep Jen” he smiles and nods his head. They head out the door and Jen drives them to a hotel in the area. As soon as they enter the room, Jared pins him to the wall. Jared grabs Jensen’s hands and holds this in place above his head as Jared proceeds to devour his mouth. The passionate kisses making Jen dizzy with desire. “Love You…Need You…” Jared says between kisses. Jen shoves him away and slowly starts to take off his clothes. He looks at Jared as he makes his way to the bed. Jared’s eyes fill with lust as he takes his time to look at every inch of his lover. Jen’s body for his to map, his tongue moistens dry lips and he slowly heads to the bed and removes all his clothes to then straddle Jen.

Jared cups Jen’s cheek and kisses him slowly. He loves how wherever he was, he was home. Jensen was home for him. Everything he needed was in him. Jen ran his hands down Jared’s sides as he pulls away and starts to kiss Jen’s neck. His mouth, hands touching and tasting every part of his body. Jared kisses and bites and touches him in all the right places. Jen bucks up and Jared holds down his hips with his hands and licks the underside and is rewarded by a breathy moan falling from Jensen’s beautiful lips.

Jensen fists the sheets as Jared starts to lick the slit of his cock and then takes him into that wonderful heat. He licks and hollows out his cheeks. He’d wanted to taste him for so long. Jensen’s breathing was ragged and filthy words were falling from his lips.

Biting and licking on the way Jared whispers “want you to fuck me Jen.” A deep moan from Jensen was all he got before he was flipped over and his partner started to breach his puckered entrance. Jared hissed and moaned as Jensen added another finger and found his prostate. “Ready…Fuck Me” before he finished his plea, Jens fingers where gone and were replaced by his cock. Jared grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him as he thrusts into him.

Jared’s fingers were digging and scratching Jen’s back as his thrusts became deeper and harder. He bit Jen’s lip as he angled just right and hit that spot on the inside of him on every thrust. Moans and curses filled the room as Jared met Jen’s thrusts and everything blurred as he came hard. Jared clinched around Jen and he bit Jared’s shoulder as he came inside him. He kissed him as he rode out his orgasm. Jen fell on Jared, and was about to get off him “No. Want You in Me” Jen smiled as Jared rolled them over and entwined their legs together. They lay there looking at each other; Jared entwined their fingers and kissed Jensen lazily. Sleep was rapidly taking hold of them. “Never do that again” Jared’s eyes snapped open as Jen looked at him. “I promise”. Jensen smiled and drifted off to sleep. Jared stayed up and looked at his lover, he couldn’t think of a better place in the world to be. If his parents couldn’t accept them, then that was their problem. Jensen was all the family he needed.

The next morning, Jared woke up to an empty bed. He looked around the room but there was so sign of Jensen. Just as he was getting up, Jensen walked through the door with breakfast. Jared smiles as Jen made his way to the bed. “Morning” Jensen kisses him and hands him a cup of coffee. “I was starting to think that I dreamed last night” Jen laughs and sits next to Jared. “Nope, I’m just that good” the room fills with laugher as Jared pins Jen down to kiss him. “You’re amazing” Jen grabs the back of his neck and kisses him deeply. Jared pulls away and sits up to eat his food. Jen ran his hand down his back “Ready to go home?” Jared takes a bite of his doughnut and nods.


The drive back home was long but a happy one. They were talking about the plans they had for the engagement party. Jensen laughed at Jared’s idea of a candy bar. “Would I have to pay for the candy?” Jared laughed and punched him in the arm. “Dude, I’ll pay but you don’t get to have any. I’m the only candy you need.”

As Jen parked the car, Jared headed up the stairs to open the door. Jen was right behind him and was suddenly lifted up by Jared. “Do you think I should carry you over the threshold?” Jensen laughs and pretends to swoon. “Why, Mr. Padalecki. You are quite the romantic” they laugh as he opens the door and carries him in the door and turns on the lights. Jared nearly drops Jensen as all their friends scream Surprise!

They both look at each other and at their friends, this was a complete shock. “Dude, I’m glad we’re taping this. You guys need to see the looks on your faces” Mike’s voice breaks through the wolf whistles and congratulations. They should have know Mike was up to something but for once it was surprise that made them happy, not want to kick his ass.

Mike and Tom walk towards them with big smiles on their faces. “Before you ask, the whole me letting someone in your house plan was his idea” Mike pointed to his better half as Tom shrugs “Mike, we all knew you would screw something up and it might as well help my plans for once.” Mike pouted at Tom and they all laugh. Jensen grabs Jared’s hand and smiles as it hits them. Tom was a sneaky son of a bitch and with Mike by his side they should have seen this coming but they couldn’t seem to care. Not when it was all they had imagined and more.

Jared scans the room and sees pictures of them adorning the walls. Private and public pictures of the two of them had been blown up and placed on top of some kind of section in the room. There was a picture of Jared with a mouthful of candy from ‘A Day in the Life’ above the candy dish. Jared laughs as he points to it and Jen smiles. There was a table full of props headed by Jensen’s Richie Sambora picture. Under the picture was a quote. “J & J. hate to love them” they looked at Mike. “What? It’s funny.” They all laugh and start to mingle. The love in the room eased every nerve Jared and Jensen had felt up to that moment.

They sit down as Jared shows off their home movies. Jared and Jen laugh as the DVD begins and shows Mike wearing a dress and a wig. The room fills with laughter as he shows of his legs in stocking. Everyone admits he made a pretty good looking girl. Freaky, but good looking. Tom should know better than anyone as he was hitting on him like crazy. He had been drunk and didn’t seem to notice it was Mike. That’s the day that those two hooked up. Tom stopped the DVD before it got to the part where he started to take off Mike’s clothes. Everyone booed but Tom just skipped ahead to Jared and Jensen on some kind of trip. Jen bit his lip as he realized what they were watching. This was the trip Jared had planned.  He entwined their fingers and all the memories washed over them. The first night there, Jared had told Jen he had a crush on someone. The next thing he knew, he was being pinned to a wall and being kissed by Jared.

Jared looked over at Jen and kissed him. As they pull away, they see everyone staring and they smile. The night when on like this as they reminisce about their lives together. Smile and laugh as friends tell their stories about them from various stages of their lives

Jared sneaks away and heads to the candy bar to over indulge as always and nearly chokes as Jensen wraps his arms around him to nibble on his ear. “Tastes just like candy” Jared turns and laughs as he wraps his arms around Jensen to kiss him.

They finally get to the best part of any engagement party, the presents. Jared loves surprises. Jensen not so much but he’s good sport about it. Jared looks like a kid on Christmas morning. Excited and ready to rip stuff open. Mike hands him the first present, big surprise it was from him. Jensen arched an eyebrow, you could never trust Mike. He was a sneaky bitch. Jared ripped into it and revealed what looked to be a photo album. Jared eyed Mike and turned to Jen as he opened it and had a look of disbelief on his face. Jen looked at it and looked at Mike. The album was full of pictures from their first date. “I know you thought you lost it, but I found it when I was house sitting. Thought you might like it” Jared smiled and nearly cried. It meant so much to them both.

Jared grabbed Mike and gave him a huge bear hug. Jensen smiled and joined in. They opened more presents. Every present was another memory of their lives together. Some made them laugh and some made them cry. This night had brought so many emotions out of them.


As the night turned to day, most of the guests had left. It was only Jared, Jen, Mike and Tom. Talking about what had happen when they were away and their plans for the wedding and just laugh as Jared finishes the candy. They all look at him “What? I’m a growing boy.” Jensen bit his ear and he yelps. “You must be made of candy then” Mike laughed as Jared smacked Tom with a jujube.

“Ouch, You Jolly Green Giant” Tom rubbed at his forehead and pulled out a box of raisents out of his pocket. Jared’s eyes widened “You stole my candy, you super freak” Tom laughed and launched one at his head. Hitting its mark. Jensen and Mike backed away Trying to avoid being victims of the impending candy war. Just as Jen turns the handle, Chris comes running in and gets hit with a jujube. Jensen falls to the floor laughing at Chris’ face. Chris walks over to Jared. “What the hell is going on?” Chris rubs his cheek “We’re having a candy war” He says it like it’s the most normal thing in the world. Chris grabs the jujubes from Jared “Candy is for eatin’ you freak” They all laugh as Chris eats the candy and makes himself at home.

“What are you doing here, Chris?” Jared laughs out the words. “I thought I was invited, Gigantor” Jen laughed harder as he squeezed between Tom and Mike to get to Jared. “Why are you laughing, Jen? You’re the one marring me for that exact reason” Jared poked him and backed away, hiding behind Chris. Jensen pouted and Jared just laughed and kissed him.

“I came to tell you that me and Steve are coming to the wedding and…” Chris smiles as he stops and they just stare at him. “And?” Jensen says after waiting for what seemed forever. It’s just like Chris to stall when it was something interesting. Damn him. “And, I got a surprise for you Jen. Turn around” Jensen turns around just in time to see Steve walk thru the door. Steve smiles as he walks over to Jen and gives him a hug. “Damn steve, it’s been a long time” the just stay there for a few more minutes. “I thought you were on tour” Steve backs away and looks at Jen. “Did you really think I would miss this? It’s your fucking wedding” They laugh and Jared walks up to Jen and wraps his arms around his waist. “Glad to see you Steve” he smiles and looks at Jen. “It’s good to see Jen happy.”

“Damn, when did you all turn into a bunch of fucking women?” Chris says as he approaches them. Steve smacks him upside the head and Chris punches him in the arm. “Shut up Chris, you should be the last one saying anything. Remember, I know all your secrets” Chris goes pale and looks anywhere but at Steve.

Jensen raises an eyebrow but knows better than to ask. “So, I guess you’re the surprise” Jared says as he pats Steve on the shoulder. “Actually, I’m not” Jared and Jen just look at him with puzzled looks. “so, then what is it?” Steve just looks over at Chris and they smile secretly at one another. “not gonna tell ya, you’ll have to wait till the wedding day”.

“Well that sucks but it gives me something to look forward too” Jensen laughs as Jared pouts and then yelps as Jared bites down on his shoulder.

“well, I think that we should all get going, these two look like they need some alone time” Chris, Steve, Mike and Tom just laugh and head out the door.

“See ya love birds and try not to make to much noise. We wouldn’t want the neighbors to complain” Mike laughs as Jared throws a jujube just as the door closes.

“I wonder what they meant by that” Jared just laughs and grabs Jen by the hand. “I think they want us to have wild monkey sex and make all our neighbors jealous” Jensen laughed and followed right behind Jared. This was going to be a very interesting night, and from the look on Jared’s eyes, he wasn’t going to sleep.

He was wrong, as soon as Jared hit the bed he feel asleep. “Damn I thought I was gonna get some” Jen laughed as he kissed Jared and brought the covers around them. He put his arm around Jared’s waist and fell asleep.

Before his eyes closed he saw the man that he was going to spend the rest of his life with and when he closed his eyes, the nightmare started.


j2, fic, christmas surprise

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