Chirstian Kane Is MINE :D COME AND SEE :D

Jun 05, 2007 18:27

I hope you guys enjoy it, i loved writting it :D

Title: Wicked Little High

Author: Lissie

Disclaimer: I own nothing. Wish I could own the boy but alas, I don’t

Pairing: Me/Chris Kane

Rating: R/NC-17 :D

Summary: All I want to do is go over there and brand him with my teeth on his neck and show them all whose man he is.

Notes: OK, I know I’m freaking crazy but this just popped into my head and I was like DAMN, I have to write it down :D so here it is. UNBETAED SO SHUT IT :D

Inspired by



I see him from when I’m sitting. His hair falling all over his face as he laughs at some stupid joke that some leggy busty blonde said as she touches him in places only my hands should be. I see him trying to pry her hands of him; he must know I’m close and watching. I can almost taste the sweat on his neck from last night. All I want to do is go over there and brand him with my teeth on his neck and show them all whose man he is.

But I’d rather see him play as if he’s single and looking for something that he knows he has in his bed. I see her leave his side and head over to some guy that looks about ready to kick Chris’s ass, but that I’m gonna happen. He’s too drunk and stupid to even walk toward him and from what I can see, that girl ain’t worth the trouble she’s bringing.

Even if he tried, he would have him on his ass in two seconds flat but Chris doesn’t like to show off. I walk over to the bar and sit myself in the stool on the corner. His eyes been on me since I left my seat. I can feel the heat of his body as if he was close enough to touch. All I want to do is let him. Let him take me right here, people be dammed. I want his fingers on me. I want his brand on my skin, the taste of me on his tongue when I kiss him. Want to bite his neck and make him manhandle me and show me how much of a rattlesnake he really is.

I turn my head to the left and I can see him watching, he smiles and licks his lips. I play coy and look over and give him a shy smile. I got that boy hooked. I look back to the bartender and get myself something to drink. As I’m ordering some guy comes and stand real close to me and tells me he wants to buy me a drink and I look up at him and tell him I’m fine. I have to admit, if I wasn’t already plenty satisfied with my man, this fellow would be on the list to be the one. Tall, dark and handsome is just the beginning that I could use to describe him. He would be a prince if the bastard hadn’t just tried to feel me up. I tell him that I have a man already and his face goes from friendly to pissy in no time flat. I look to my left, thinking to myself that I can handle this by myself but I would like too have Chris with me right about now.

I turn back to the guy, his name starts with an s I think. He’s waiting for me to smarten up and let him do what he wants and before I open my mouth to tell him to go to hell I see his head fall back and hear him hit the floor. “I believe the lady don’t want your attention, step off before I make you” Chris’s whiskey laden voice comes thru. I turn and he’s smiling at me. I grab him by shirt and lay a kiss on him. “Been wanting to do that all night” I say and he grabs my hand and we head on out.

We make it home on some kind of record, I try to open the door as he’s pressed up right behind me and I can feel his breath on my neck, hot and perfect. I finally get the damn door open and I pull him in and push him against the nearest wall and kiss him hard, just the way it always is with us. His hands skate down my sides and he grabs the edge of my shirt and pulls it off. He smiles a wicked little smile at me and I rip his shirt off “Damn, you know that’s my favorite shirt” I bite down on his collar, he grabs my hips and I wrap my legs around his waist. He starts kissing me like he’s dying and I’m his salvation and all I can do is pray that we make it to the bed before we end up on the kitchen floor like last time.

He starts walking us down the living room to the bedroom and I’m nibbling at his lip as his hands explore my skin. Were both half naked and he’s working on my skirt. I pull away to look at him and his eyes are lust blown just like mine must be, he’s breathing hard and licking his lips “How’d always do this to me? Make me want to take you all the time. In the bar even.” I bite my lip and look up at him. “It’s because you’re hooked on me baby. Nothing either of us can do” he growls and drops me on the bed. I hadn’t even felt us move, he’s a sneaky son of a bitch.

He’s a predator and I’m his prey. I just move up to sit against the headboard. He crawls towards me after taking of his jeans. My breathing is erratic and my head is spinning. He grabs my hips and slides me under him. Makes fast work of my skirt and starts kissing his way down my body. First my neck, hot burning kisses that make me moan his name. I can see that sly smile on his lips. He loves it as much I love making him think he’s in control. I grab the back of his neck and pull him up and kiss him. I wrap my legs around him and manage to flip us over. He always gets ticked when I do that expect he knows what’s coming next. I bite his neck hard, hard enough to break the skin. He scratches my back and I start kissing his chest. I can smell the cheap cigars and alcohol on his skin from the bar. I lick my way down to his navel and he runs his fingers thru my hair.

It never gets old or tired with us. It always ends the same way. Both of us moaning each others names as the headboard smacks the wall hard. That wall is so dented now; every night is like another notch on a belt. We’re in sync as he thrusts on last time and I scream his name like a prayer to the heavens.

I look up at him and he smiles down at me. We kiss slowly and sweetly as sleep takes hold of us. His body fits like a puzzle next to mines. My head on his chest, I can hear his heartbeat start to steady. The rhythm lulls me to sleep. This is home.

me, chris kane, fic

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