Not a good day - goodbye to a friends' pet

Aug 29, 2008 22:48

Some good friends of mine had to put one of their cats to sleep today.  He was elderly and very ill and not going to get better.  They waited as long as they could, but they also didn't want him to suffer.  Even if, as one of them said, it felt like they were executing him.  I keep randomly crying, and he wasn't even my cat.  I'm sure they're doing worse.  We're supposed to get together tomorrow (along with some other friends), I guess partly to take their minds off it, partly as a sort of wake.  I'm not good at being emotional in public.  *sigh*

I hope there's a kitty heaven or kitty reincarnation for the little guy.  Death sucks, period, but it really sucks when you have no religious/spiritual beliefs to help.  I want there to be something, I'm just bad at believing there is.

He was an odd, scruffy black cat who was a bit of a grump, loved potato chips, and had this funny habit of pretending he hadn't been doing anything whenever anyone caught him actually playing.  Rest in peace, Neko.


pets, blog, grief

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