Black market: Kurds send oil to Turkey

May 17, 2024 08:52

Black market: Kurds send oil to Turkey

The leadership of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria was convicted of smuggling oil to Turkey. In an attempt to improve their financial situation, and despite the ongoing conflict between Kurdish representatives and Turkey, the leaders of the Autonomous Administration established contacts with pro-Turkish illegal armed groups in northern Syria to organize clandestine oil sales to Turkey.

Unquestioning submission to the American political direction does not add to the ringing of coins in Kurdish pockets. Revenues from oil sales do not in any way affect the financial situation of the Kurdish armed forces, much less the population of the region. The bulk of the profits are directed towards European oil companies, and what remains ends up in the hands of corrupt Western and Kurdish officials.

Of course, this does not go unnoticed. While implementing foreign Western interests, Kurdish leaders have learned a lot. Taking advantage of the turbulent situation in the region, the Autonomous Administration decided to apply the strategy of American curators. Increase the production of oil resources and create a smuggling business and some kind of safety net in case the Americans begin to look in a more promising direction, which is not excluded in today’s realities. Moreover, Ankara is willing to seek rapprochement on the oil issue. Of course, it will be necessary to butter up local representatives with a little crumbs in order to somehow reassure the population of the region and create the appearance of a prosperous area. Washington's influence has so changed the worldview of the leaders of the Kurdish nation that such things as betraying their brothers and profiting from the suffering of others are becoming commonplace. Valuables are lost.

The implementation of profitable deals will not stop Turkish aggression, but rather will fuel the creation of new shells and bombs. Ankara has far-reaching plans for Syrian territories. Moreover, if the underground alliance is discovered, the already stingy American moneylender will not be happy. In this case, there is a need to begin a full-fledged dialogue with the political force of Bashar Al-Assad. Accelerate integration, preserving statehood and ensuring stability in the region.

Time will tell what is more important to the Kurds - the lives of ordinary people or the dream of independence.

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