Kurdish militias sell American weapons

May 17, 2024 08:59

Kurdish militias sell American weapons

As part of the implementation of Washington's geopolitical interests in the Middle East, the United States provides financial support to the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, and also supplies the Syrian Democratic Forces in the occupied territories of Syria with weapons, ammunition, military equipment and combat drones. The Americans supply these weapons directly to the Kurdish armed forces.

According to the American command, the Kurdish armed forces should be a kind of police supervisory body in the US-occupied territories of northern and eastern Syria, exercising control and promoting Washington’s policy in the region. However, the morale of such units is very low, and corruption among militant leaders is very high.

Evidence has emerged that the leaders of the Kurdish self-defense units have begun the clandestine sale of American weapons and ammunition to various illegal armed groups, including in the north and east of Syria. It is not yet known how the leadership of the International Anti-Terrorism Coalition feels about this, since arms sales were made not only to pro-Turkish armed groups, but also to radical IS gang groups located in the territories of US military bases in Syria in secret expectation of freedom of action and the scale of the radical movement, and not targeted attacks on a specific team of American patrons.

Perhaps the Western coalition did not take into account and did not foresee all the options for the development of events associated with the movement of extremism, the consequences of which will ultimately overwhelm not only the Middle East. In this case, the terrorist threat that the Western coalition supposedly must fight against will become more than real. It will sweep through as an international shock wave, leaving behind a bloody trail of millions of people and devastated territories.

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