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journalsoup February 16 2006, 07:10:41 UTC
I'm curious. In your opinion, what is/should be the #1 priority of a country's government?



smokedamage February 16 2006, 10:45:41 UTC
It's own people. Their care, their quality of life ( ... )


drhoz February 16 2006, 13:09:55 UTC
*nods* the purpose of a government SHOULD be enlightened self-interest - in that that should be ensuring the long term happiness of its constiency, and by extension, that of the world

alas, the only way to become a government leader appeasr to be by becoming a bigger self-serving son-of-a-bitch then everybody else.

(altho note with interest that the new president of Bolivia? has had his own wages cut in half - and as a result all other civil servant wages are slashed to match)


smokedamage February 16 2006, 15:05:00 UTC
what a delightful idea - paycuts for politicians.


journalsoup February 16 2006, 18:35:33 UTC
"It's own people. Their care, their quality of life."

So, now that we agree on that, I'm not really sure why you're constantly suprised and derisive of america's attempts to do just that in the international realm. The more democratic governments there are in the world, the safer it is for everyone.

For that matter, democracies are more likely to work together in the international sphere in terms of ecological conservation and the like. Plus, if you think there's going to be a one world government, the first step towards that is getting everyone to have the same type of government within their countries. It just seems strange to be bothered by a government logically preparing to deal with obvious threats on the horizon. It's just good policy.



smokedamage February 16 2006, 18:46:44 UTC
Look a democracy would be very nice, but a democracy where America decides who the electorate get to choose from is not really a fucking democracy is it?

I mean look at the sulking from the US and Israel over Hamas getting mainstream pull in Palestine.

If you are going to have democracy then be prepared to get results you don't like. I'm allowed to whinge about it and not like it, but i'm hardly going to pull humanitarian aid, cut off their supplies or send a bunch of my kids over there to kill people am i?

I just finished reading Generation Kill, a book written by a Rolling Stone journalist who spent the invasion with 1st Recon Battalion. Very good and interesting read, see if you can find it, i hope this link works just so you know which book i mean. There's some real fucking brain damage going on in the armed forces, and at the same time some good people who are wondering just what the hell they are doing.


journalsoup February 17 2006, 19:18:23 UTC
Perhaps I'm mistaken but it seems to me that they've got one fuck of a lot more democracy now then they had a few years ago. A stable democracy requires a responsible electorate. You can't just knock off the dictator, then step aside and say "Okay, now put who ever you want in power." It doesn't work that way ( ... )


smokedamage February 18 2006, 10:16:09 UTC
Your founding fathers were terrorists.

What if they decide that invading a neighbour is cool?


journalsoup February 18 2006, 15:34:41 UTC
"Your founding fathers were terrorists."

See now that's just silly. It's just assinine to compare the founding fathers of america to hamas. I dunno, maybe I missed the chapter where Jefferson was dedicated to the complete and total destruction of england or where Adams purposefully killed women and children to make a point. Not to mention the fact that we as humans have an additional 225 years of political and social development under our belts. Besides, quite a few of those founding fathers were alright with slavery too, but that still don't make it okay. It's just a ridiculous analogy all around. I'll give you "insurgents", but terrorists? Hardly.

"What if they decide that invading a neighbour is cool?"

Depends on their reasoning. If they've got a legitimate threat to their national security, then full speed ahead, but if it's just anschluss, then no, that's not cool.



smokedamage February 18 2006, 19:19:56 UTC
Actually it's asinine to suggest that any nation is a threat to the United States. How exactly was Iraq a threat? They weren't. Unless of course you count the weapons that the US gave them - twenty years ago. Even then it's a stretch. Terrorist - Insurgent - Freedom Fighter, the meanings are roughly the same, it's just a matter of perspective. If you lived under the rule of a foreign government, i suspect a lot of your friends might find themselves in one of those categories. You might call them freedom fighters, a Latvian paper may describe you as Insurgents, and the rulers would suggest you were terrorists. Either way, they are all fighting for what they believe in. And if you want to bring up the killing of innocents we can go there. How many bombs and missiles dropped on Iraq in the last fifteen years killed innocent people? I'm guessing there are a few dead people - maybe it's even. Is it just because the Muslim Extremists were better at it, and shattered the "we're the best, we're untouchable" illusion that America had. For all ( ... )


journalsoup February 18 2006, 20:15:15 UTC
Okay, put the brakes on right there. I'm not trying to, nor have I ever said that invading Iraq was the right thing to do, so don't try to paint me with THAT brush ( ... )


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