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journalsoup February 18 2006, 20:15:15 UTC
Okay, put the brakes on right there. I'm not trying to, nor have I ever said that invading Iraq was the right thing to do, so don't try to paint me with THAT brush.

"the meanings are roughly the same"

No, they're not. One blows up schoolchildren and one doesn't. They're not even the same sport.

"And if you want to bring up the killing of innocents we can go there. How many bombs and missiles dropped on Iraq in the last fifteen years killed innocent people?"

Again, not justifying invasion of iraq. I talked about killing innocents in regard to the founding fathers. Don't stretch my words and their context.

Yes, lebensraum was the justification for anschluss.

"we're still not further along than clubbing each other over the head"

And I suppose all of that peaceful political discourse that goes on EVERYDAY means nothing at all? We still may have the hammer as a tool, but it's no longer the only thing in the toolbox.

"Well it's pretty easy to fabricate evidence - as we have seen - that anyone can be a threat to anyone else. So whose to judge here?"

The country in question decides. Rule #1 applies, Protect their people. That's why I said "legitimate threat".

"Bill O'Reilly, Pat Buchanan, and whichever dickhead"

That's one of the joys of living in a (somewhat) secular society, these people may say things like that, but no one's taking it as a call from the highest reaches of heaven to go out and kill Hugo Chavez.



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