(no subject)

May 26, 2003 03:13

i think you regret more, things not done rather than things you have done.

Words unspoken more than words spoken.

Perhaps it's the potentiality of it. The unresolvedness of it all is the problem. You say something stupid, you can make up for it, you fail to say something and the opportunity is gone, and you're left wondering what might have been - good or bad.

i think i need to tell State this, so that he changes his planned course of action.

He thinks it's really bad that she desires one of my friends at my expense. If it were someone i didn't like and didn't want good things for, then i'd be shitty, but because it is someone i wish good things for, it's not a total loss.

the way i see it, if i lose her, that's a bad thing, one bad thing. However, if she wants Silk and he makes her happy then thats a good thing. If she makes Silk happy then, that's a good thing. Two good things, against one bad thing. I think that's not too bad. It's not perfect certainly, but it could be a lot worse.

It's probably because i know what worse feels like, that i can say this. Some would say my familiarity with worse is desperately unfair, or at least i hope someone would say that for me.

Fuck! it's tiring, this whole love thing. I'm just physically shattered, although that might be drug and alcohol consumption. I'm going to go to bed soon. I'll finish these songs and i'll go. One more cigarette too.

Tired. Weakening. Sorrowful. Sad. Tired.

regret+theory, wisdom, thoughts

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