Favorite Friendship
I couldn't decide on just one so...here are two.
Clark Kent and Chloe Sullivan, Smallville
OMG, how much do I love Clark and Chloe? There aren't words. I started out shipping them romantically, and on a certain level I still do, but I'm kind of glad their relationship stayed mostly on the friendship level in canon. It makes them one of the best male/female friendships to ever grace my TV screen.
Marti Perkins and Savannah Monroe, Hellcats
Also no words for how much I love Marti and Savannah's friendship. When Hellcats premiered, I was expecting so much more of a catty rivalry and was hit in the face by such a unique and beautiful friendship that Marti very nearly destroyed because she just does not know how to be a good girl-friend. They are so different, but somehow, it works.
Favorite het pairing02.
Favorite slash pairing03.
Favorite femslash pairing04.
Favorite sibling relationship05. Favorite friendship
06. Favorite parent-child relationship
07. Favorite rivals relationship
08. Favorite partners in crime relationship
09. Favorite family unit (four or more people)
10. Least favorite pairing
11. An "OT3" or threesome
12. Favorite Person and Animal Companion Relationship
13. Your first pairing
14. Your most recent pairing
15. Favorite non-canon pairing
16. Pairing with the best chemistry
17. Favorite canon pairing
18. Favorite group of friends (four or more people)
19. Favorite band of villains
20. A pairing you like, but don't like what canon did/is doing with them
21. A pairing you think gets too little attention
22. A pairing that a lot of people ship, but you don’t
23. An unpopular pairing that you like
24. A pairing you think is actually together behind-the-scenes, but it's not confirmed in canon
25. A pairing that you have grown to like but didn't at first
26. Favorite childhood pairing
27. Pairing you think is the most adorable
28. A pairing people would be surprised you like
29. Your favorite of all the relationships you've posted so far
30. Free choice