Unfortunately what shook me from my post-election coma was the cancellation of Birds of Prey. Granted, I haven't kept up with comics since I went to law school but...but...*kicks can down the street*
In better news,
mcsmooch and
non_mcsmooch are open for business and while I have 2 more "Five Things" to do, I have no plans for running off to another state, so hit me with prompts. I don't promise brilliance but I would very much like to get back in the groove so I can make dents on the longer stories I have owed FOREVER.
In other news, I am only barely keeping up with fandom and although I have seen last week's SGA, all I can remember about the plot was, "Wow, Teyla's ARMS were AMAZING." What? I'm shallow. (Also I may be temporarily shipping Ronon/Woolsey...the memories are coming back now.) But anyway, I am off to watch CSI: NY and Criminal Minds and then I need to read for Federal Income Tax. How is that my favorite class?