Remind me sometime to meta on how to get other people to write your rare OTPs. Until then, join me in adoring these two Weir/Sumner stories:
Drabble x 2.5 by
gblvr. I never knew how badly I wanted to see Sumner with a baby girl until
gblvr wrote this. In addition, Lorne and Zelenka are the cutest.
Katabatic Winds by
ed_84 was written for
raisintorte in the latest
sg_rarepairings challenge. Weir and Sumner are feeling each other out and finding some common ground in Antarctica.
OOH! Bonus!
sg_rarepairings fic is up!
How the West Was Won is Cam/Daniel, which is not my OTP, but totally could be if they are always written so cute. :) Also, the cow is win.