SGA 5x15: Remnants

Nov 14, 2008 22:57

Seriously, only five more episodes left?

Okay, I love that Teyla is worried about Woolsey's social life. And that Ronon is totally going to mock Rodney about it.

Oh, Sheppard. You are so romantically inept. Oh hey, that's Parrish, isn't it. OH HEY, LORNE WARNED SHEPPARD. Clearly Mallozzi has been reading YA'LLS blogs.

Aaaand, Sheppard goes down like a sack of rocks. I expect plenty of Sheppard whump vids. Not that the old ones weren't awesome, but there is going to be untold bounty in this episode. UNTOLD BOUNTY.

Oh, good, tied up already. Okay, I'm not even a Sheppard whump fan, but it's too funny not to mock. Aw, look at him scooting around on his butt like a four-year-old.

Woolsey's got a girlfriend! She's totally asking for the personal tour. Too bad Atlantis hates Woolsey. I like to think that maybe it just misses Elizabeth.

McKay and Zelenka are such a fantastic comedy team. I *heart* them even when Rodney is being unnecessarily bastardly. Also, Tamlyn Tomita is my favorite IOA member, so I am glad she is the one here.

Amelia! And the kickboxing! Also Woolsey doesn't know Chuck's name! Chuck just gave him the bitchface!!!

I totally want something named after Zelenka. It will be awesomepants.

Woolsey has been there 9 months! And survived! Go him! Oops. He's getting yanked.

Rodney just said "biscotti and a Yoohoo?" Foul, Rodney, foul.


Rodney is riding the bitchmobile hard tonight. And John is...uh. Getting rode. Or something. Also, KOLYA? That is a CANDYASS explanation for not dying. CANDYASS, you hear me?

Blah, blah, explosive, blah blah, evil plot, blah blah, oh hey, Kolya, that works better when you actually connect with his face....

Dude, Atlantis runs through commanders like white socks. And wow, Woolsey just said, "Roll over for them." I cannot wait to see the followup fic for this. Yay Woolsey!

AW! AW! SHEN IS TAKING OVER. That would be awesome were I not madly in love with Woolsey now.

And in other news, Kolya is beating Sheppard up. How does Kolya manage to kick Sheppard's ass with that craptastic tech he's carting around? What was that radio thing? A giant padlock?

Oh, Rodney and Radek. They are so cute.

Oh, this is going to be unfortunate. Also, Kolya just called him JOHNNY BOY.

Okay, while we're on commercial break, I just want to say that it would be AWESOME if John lost a hand. It's like his favorite movie Star Wars! One per, baby! One per film. Also, it's like when Xander lost an eye in the last season of Buffy. Maiming builds character. Not that I really think TPTB have the balls to do it, but still. Awesome.

OH WORD. This is gonna be awesome. Also, I bet JFlan was totally all about this.

"You poached my private spot." That's one's going down in history, Woolsey. And when I say, down, I don't mean in the happy way. (And yet, way to ask a girl out, Woolsey! You are not a total slouch at this after all.)

Aw, Kolya killed Parrish. Now we know this is all some whacko pipe dream.

Also, Woolsey's girlfriend is makebelieve. I really feel kind of bad for him already.


And the plot thickens, etc. Woolsey looks so SAD! Also, Keller has ponytail hair. (Crease in the back.)

Also, Woolsey is picking up Rodney's hand motions. I bet the girl is some manifestation of the new species Rodneyw as talking about before. Or whatever he was talking about.

What's it like? wojelah says "Wraith thing" and I say "planet from Home." (Clarification - the "wraith thing" is the thing from Phantoms that gave everyone paranoid delusions.)


Oh, Woolsey, I am emo for you. Be brave, little toaster! Be brave!

Ooh, that's gonna hurt. Too bad you can't use that other hand that's not there, John.

wojelah wins! Wraith device!

John - not permanently maimed.

Way to have some modicum of continuity, SGA. Also, newsflash, Sheppard just as fucked up as fanfic always said.

Also, clearly no one is interested in being in charge of the IOA's Environmental Initiative.

True form of the Sekkei - TURNING RODNEY ON.

Also, yay Teyla! I love that they are trying to include Woolsey. Zelenka's offworld! Oh, Rodney. Pwned.

I am still disappointed John did not lose a hand. And that Kolya is not still alive. Still. That was kind of awesome.


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