Un Festive...

Jan 31, 2009 19:04

Today has been a banner day. I was supposed to spend the day at Erie Festival of Dance, dancing with my class, along with about 20 other schools & dance troupes. Instead, my car first decides it doesn't want to start. Then it can't move because of the snow piled around it from the plow & the very thick layer of ice that's under the snow because the city hasn't bothered to salt the road for at least two weeks. Fortunately, Sane Uncle showed up after a while to install the new garage door opener for Mom & he helped me get unstuck. After about 2 hours fighting to get the car out, I finally get over to the theater only to be told that they've re-blocked the dance-- without me.

Now, this is an hour before the time we were actually scheduled to block on the stage. We've been practicing for months. But suddenly putting me back in is far more trouble than taking me out. And Sam tells me that that it's nothing personal & I shouldn't be upset. Excuse me? I shouldn't be upset that I've just wasted a couple of months worth of practices not to mention the money I put into getting my costume together (which I couldn''t really afford)? That my Mom wasted $10 for a ticket? That I spent 2 hours in the cold digging my car out for no reason?

I just turned & left. And I'm thinking that I'm going to quit the dance class. Vik already told me that she didn't care that I wouldn't be able to go to the Halfa-- they've scheduled it for the same weekend as the Society of North American Goldsmith's conference & she's not going to change the date. Since the class is entirely geared towards creating & rehearsing the choreography for the hafla, there's really not much point in me being there. As far as my weight-loss program goes, it'd be cheaper to get a membership to Curves or the Y & I get more use out of it.

ETA: Mom thought I should mention that she was so upset when I told her what happened that she actually swore. Some folks on my f-list know her & know that my Mom almost never swears & when she does, it's best to run for cover.

done!, dance, pissed off

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